Chapter 1 A: The Slumbering Heiress

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In the cozy embrace of her elegant bedroom, Eve Josephine Dale slept peacefully, unaware of the world's noise outside her sanctuary. The clock's hands quietly pointed to 11:45 am, hinting at a leisurely morning. The joys of a carefree sleep schedule, fit for a princess—or in Eve's case, the heiress of the grand Dale empire.

Eve, a picture of elegance even while resting, looked like a sleeping queen, untouched by the small problems that bothered the awake world. Her black hair flowed around her like a soft waterfall, a special crown for the princess of her own dreams. The room, decorated in calming colors, showed the peace that comes with a life of luxury.

Despite her luxurious lifestyle, Eve bore the burden of a shadowy past. Her mother, a source of warmth, had passed away when Eve was just a child. Though she inherited wealth, it couldn't fill the emptiness left behind. Her father, a powerful figure in business, moved through their mansion surrounded by loneliness. Eve, lacking companionship, found comfort in books, creating her own world within the pages of novels.

Home-schooled and distanced from the camaraderie of peers, Eve's companions were characters etched in paper, friends bound by ink and imagination. The mansion staff, loyal attendants to her solitude, became the family she never chose but learned to cherish.

As the rays of the sun tiptoed through the billowing curtains, Eve stirred from her regal repose. The soft flutter of her eyelashes heralded the awakening of a dreamer, a slumbering princess roused from her enchanted reverie. With a graceful movement like a ballet, she stretched, shaking off the last bits of sleep. Each move was like a delicate dance in the morning symphony.

The soft satin sheets hugged her shape as she elegantly got up, a ballet-like figure twirling in the morning light. Her skillful fingers danced lightly across her vanity, where makeup tools created a fleeting masterpiece on her porcelain skin.

Draped in a gown that mirrored the blush of dawn, she glided toward the window, where the world beyond awaited her presence. With a gentle exhale, she parted the curtains, revealing a panorama that mirrored the canvas of her dreams. A smile, soft yet radiant, graced her lips - a celestial tribute to the heavens above. In that tender moment, Eve acknowledged the ethereal bond she shared with the sky, a silent conversation with the departed soul that lingered among the stars.

Eve, filled with morning energy, happily went down the big staircase. The delicious smell of breakfast greeted her in the dining hall, where her busy father was deeply involved in a lively talk on his modern smartphone. His distinctive strong jawline showed his focused expression as he dealt with the complexities of work, a world that rarely gave him a break.

Undeterred by the corporate whirlwind around him, Eve approached with a sunny grin, attempting to inject a dose of sunshine into his hectic morning. Her father acknowledged her presence with a brief nod, a silent acknowledgment of her existence amidst the digital tempest.

Taking her seat, Eve eyed her father, whose fingers danced across the touchscreen in a choreography known only to him. The clinks of cutlery against china accompanied their silent breakfast ritual, a dance of familial routine amid the symphony of digital transactions.

As the call drew to a close, Eve seized the moment, ready to share the nuances of her morning musings. However, before her words could find a voice, her father preemptively uttered, "Love you, have a nice day," to her and excused himself with a fleeting touch on her shoulder.
In the wake of his departure, Eve's smile, once vibrant, acquired a nuanced shadow, quickly masked by an understanding demeanor.

As the heavy mahogany door closed behind her father, leaving Eve in the echoing silence of the opulent mansion, she couldn't shake the lingering feeling that beneath the polished surface of their morning routine, secrets were silently unraveling, setting the stage for a revelation that would reshape the very foundations of her sheltered world.

[ so hey lovely readers. There is a full long first chapter of this book .✨️i hope you liked it. Thanks for reading and do vote and comment ❤️❤️love ya all. ]

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