Chapter 41: Guardian IN the dreams

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As the anticipation of New Year's Eve fills the air, Mr. Dale sits with his daughter, Eve, in the living room, contemplating how to make the approaching celebration special for her.

Eve looks up from her book, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Actually, Dad, I was thinking of celebrating it with you. Just the two of us, spending some quality time together."

Mr. Dale's eyes light up at the suggestion, but a hint of hesitation lingers. "Oh, well, that sounds nice. Just us?"

Eve nods eagerly. "Exactly! It's been a while since we had a quiet evening together. I'd love that."

After a moment's consideration, Mr. Dale hesitantly nods. "Alright, sweetheart. Just the two of us, then."

Eve, catching the hesitation in her father's response, sighs softly before mustering the courage to ask, "Dad, do you have any company party to attend on New Year's Eve?"

Mr. Dale shifts uncomfortably in his seat, avoiding eye contact. "Well, you see, there is a party, but..."

Eve's expression changes from excitement to understanding, though a touch of sadness lingers in her eyes. "Oh, I see. Work comes first, right?"

Mr. Dale reaches out to place a comforting hand on hers. "Sweetheart, I didn't plan for it to coincide with our time together. It's just one of those unavoidable situations."

Eve manages a small smile, attempting to reassure him. "It's okay, Dad. I understand. Work is important, and I appreciate all you do for us. We can celebrate before or after. It's the time together that matters."

Mr. Dale, wanting to make amends for his prior commitment, looks at Eve with a determined expression. "How about this, sweetheart? I have an idea. Why don't you join me at the company party? I'll make sure Raven is there with you for safety, and we can still spend some time together. What do you think?"

Eve, surprised by her father's suggestion, ponders for a moment before a smile plays on her lips. "Really, Dad? You'd be okay with that?"

Mr. Dale nods, "Absolutely. Raven will ensure your safety, and it'll give us a chance to share the celebration."

Eve, appreciating her father's effort, agrees, "Alright, Dad. If it means spending time with you, I'm in."

Mr. Dale calls for Raven, who promptly appears in the doorway. "Raven, I'd like you to accompany Eve to the company party on New Year's Eve. It's for her safety, and it would be great if you could keep her company."

Raven nods, "Of course, sir. I'll make sure Miss Eve stays safe and enjoys the evening."

Eve, feeling reassured, smiles at Raven. "Thanks, Raven."

Mr. Dale, with a genial smile, turns to Eve and says, "Also, there will be some international guests at the party - my business partners. Mr. Astore and his family will be there, and I want you to meet them. I've heard Mr. Astore has a son, Daniel Astore, who is the same age as you. Maybe you two would get along and be good company for each other at the party."

Eve nods, a warm smile on her face, seemingly pleased at the prospect. However, Raven, standing nearby, can't help but feel a twinge of discomfort. He scoffs softly, a subtle manifestation of the insecurity brewing within him, knowing that Daniel's presence might pose a challenge in the delicate dynamics between him and Eve.


Jake's heart raced as he dialed Raven's number, the worry evident in his voice. "Raven, are you alright? The call last night got cut off. What happened?"

Raven's voice came through, a mix of exhaustion and relief. "Jake, I'm sorry for not calling back. I'm okay now, but there's a lot you need to know."

As Raven began recounting the events, Jake listened intently. "Bartlett called, and I went to meet him," Raven explained. "But then, there was this action with a lady assassin. Eve bandaged my wounds. And .. I... I told her everything - about me, the Velvet Scandal, and Aria."

Jake, stunned, could barely process the information. "How could you be so careless, Raven? Meeting Bartlett? Telling Eve everything? Are you an idiot? What if she tells her father, Mr. Dale, everything?"

Raven, his voice softening, responded, "I didn't tell her I was there for Mr. Dale too. I was afraid she might not trust me if she knew. I didn't want to risk losing her trust."

Jake's frustration grew. "But why risk it at all? What was Eve's reaction? Will she keep this to herself?"

Raven sighed, "I don't know, Jake. I was desperate, and in that moment, I felt like I could trust her. I feared losing her trust more than anything else."

"Raven, you need to be careful," Jake urged. "There's something else you should know. I managed to retrieve that recording - the one I was working on yesterday. In it, I found out something unsettling. Mr. Dale knows everything about Bartlett, even his involvement in Eve's attempted kidnapping. It seems Mr. Dale has been aiding Bartlett in his crimes, including the Velvet case. My guess is that Bartlett has been blackmailing him for a long time."

Raven, puzzled, asked, "Blackmailing? But it can't be about Eve. He hasn't succeeded in harming her yet. There has to be something else."

Jake replied, "We'll figure it out soon. For now, just keep a low profile and stay alert. Take care, because now Bartlett knows about you. While I don't think he has told Mr. Dale everything yet, it's still risky. We need to be cautious."

Raven, feeling the weight of the newfound information and the risks involved, quietly ended the call with Jake. He stared at his phone, contemplating the tangled web of secrets, wondering how deeply intertwined Bartlett and Mr. Dale were in their illicit activities.


Eve stood in the midst of a radiant garden, bathed in soft, ethereal light. The air carried a sweet fragrance, unlike the usual nightmares that haunted her. Confusion painted her face as she tried to make sense of this unexpected setting.

Amidst the blooming flowers, a familiar voice cut through the tranquility. She turned to find Raven, the source of the voice, wearing his signature smile that had always comforted her in the waking world.

"Why am I dreaming of you?" she questioned, her eyes reflecting the surprise that danced in her mind.

Raven approached with a gentle grace, his gaze fixed on her. "Dreams have a way of revealing hidden truths," he said, his voice a soothing melody. "There's something I need to tell you."

As the words lingered in the air, Raven took Eve's hands in his, the warmth of his touch a stark contrast to the dream's surreal atmosphere. "Eve," he continued, his eyes earnest, "I've carried these feelings for you for far too long."
His eyes, filled with sincerity, met hers. "I've carried this secret for so long, haunted by the fear of losing what we have. But I can't deny the truth any longer. I love you, Eve, with a depth that transcends the boundaries of reality and dreams."
Eve's heart raced as the unexpected revelation unfolded. Before she could respond, Raven closed the distance between them, his lips meeting hers in a kiss that resonated with a mixture of longing and tenderness.

Eve jolts awake, her surroundings a blur as she looks around in confusion. "What the heaven was that?!" she exclaims in her internal monologue. "Why did I have a dream like THAT? It's not the nightmare, but still enough to make me want to jump out of the window."

She catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror, her reflection revealing a mix of bewilderment and self-deprecation. "Eve, what is wrong with you? What is happening? Are you an idiot, dumbo, stupid, croppy, crappy bookworm?! How can I..." She hesitates, her thoughts lingering on the dream and the unexpected kiss, causing her to blush and smile. But she quickly scolds herself, "Again!? Girl, wake the heaven up. He has a fruitking girlfriend! Gosh, just go to sleep. Tomorrow is a long day."

As she lays back on her bed, another thought crosses her mind, and she sighs. "They... they say the dreams we have before the new year are... special... that they have a meaning. What if tomorrow..." Her thoughts trail off, and she interrupts herself, "Oh my sweet peas, shut up, Eve, and go to damn sleep." With a determined exhale, she closes her eyes, hoping to leave the perplexing dream and its implications behind as she welcomes the embrace of sleep once more.

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