Chapter 26: Ghosts of the past

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"No! I hate you, Mom. All you can do is lie. You have always lied to me. don't love me. I..I..I am nothing but a responsibility, or worse, a burden to you, ain't I?"

"Eve, listen to me, it's not like that. I am sorry; I didn't mean to spoil your day. I really tried my best to come as soon as possible. But you kno-"

"STOP! Stop it, just stop with all those excuses. Just leave me alone."

"Ever..." she said in a mere whisper, a soft yet defeated voice.

"Jus-" a tear escaped Eve's eyes. "Just go."

Suddenly, Eve woke up in her bed, her face now moistened with tears.
She surveyed her surroundings, the slumbering world, her room enveloped in a serene calmness, and all she could discern was the rhythmic cadence of her heartbeat amidst the haunting echoes of that fateful day.

Eve got out of bed and went to her washroom. Washing her face, she gazed into the mirror, murmuring softly, "If only... I..." With a sigh, she closed her eyes, her lips trembling from the suppressed cry echoing within her. "I am sorry, Mom."

Returning to the embrace of slumber, she yearned for the ephemeral departure of those haunting memories or the elusive chance to alter the course of the past.


The following morning, Raven stood in front of Mr. Dale's office with a determined look. As he entered, the air grew tense. Mr. Dale glanced up, his expression unreadable.

"Mr. Dale, I need to discuss something important regarding Eve's safety," Raven began, his eyes unwavering.

Dale leaned back in his chair, studying Raven. "Speak."

"I've been assessing the security measures for Miss Eve, and I was wondering if you have any suspicions or doubts about individuals who could pose a potential threat to her. People who might have tried to kidnap her due to any rivalry or conflict involving the Dale family."

Mr. Dale's eyes narrowed, and he leaned back in his chair. "What are you getting at, Raven?"

Raven hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing his words. "I just want to ensure Miss Eve's safety. Any information you can provide might help enhance our security measures."

Mr. Dale's gaze hardened, recalling a past incident. "You know, Raven, there was a time when your negligence almost cost Eve her safety. I took you back at her insistence, but don't think I've forgotten."

Raven maintained his composure. "I understand, sir. That incident still haunts me, and I'm committed to preventing any harm to Miss Eve. I just need your cooperation and any information you might have."

Mr. Dale, though still harboring resentment, sighed. "Fine, Raven. But remember, one wrong move, and you're out for good. Eve's safety is non-negotiable."

Mr. Dale hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering with an unreadable emotion. "Raven, I've enemies in the business world, but I can't point fingers without evidence. We've had our fair share of rivalries, but I can't imagine someone going after Eve."

Raven studied Mr. Dale's face, recognizing the signs of evasion. "I assure you, sir, this is not an accusation. It's merely a precaution to strengthen our security. Any information, no matter how small, can make a difference."

As Mr. Dale spoke, his eyes darted away momentarily, avoiding direct eye contact. Raven noted this evasion, a classic sign of discomfort or deception. A slight tic in Mr. Dale's fingers betrayed a nervous energy beneath his composed exterior. These microexpressions spoke louder to Raven than the words uttered in the room.

Internally, Raven's deductive mind went to work. There's more to this than meets the eye, he thought. Mr. Dale might be concealing information, perhaps out of fear, loyalty, or involvement. The key to the velvet scandal could be hidden behind his carefully crafted facade.

Mr. Dale sighed, a hint of frustration in his voice. "Raven, I don't have concrete evidence. Just do your job and ensure Eve's safety. That's what you're here for."

Raven nodded, masking his suspicions. "Of course, sir. I'll continue my efforts to enhance security. If you recall anything or notice any unusual activities, please inform me immediately."

As Raven left Mr. Dale's office, a nagging feeling tugged at him—an internal instinct screaming that there might be a potential connection between the ongoing security concerns and the elusive Velvet Scandal. His undercover detective senses went into overdrive, urging him to dig deeper into the intricacies of the Dale family secrets.

As he walked through the polished corridors of the Dale estate, Raven couldn't help but recall the puzzle pieces he had been assembling. The clandestine nature of the Velvet Scandal, Eve's near-kidnapping incident, and Mr. Dale's guarded responses—all seemed to intertwine in a web of mystery.

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