Chapter 3 - Velvet-ine maze

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Breaking News: Heiress Eve Dale Narrowly Escapes Kidnapping Attempt; Aiden Dale Seeks Top-Notch Bodyguard

In a shocking turn of events, Eve Josephine Dale, the daughter of renowned business tycoon Aiden Dale, narrowly escaped a kidnapping attempt in the serene confines of her family mansion. Sources report that an unknown assailant targeted the heiress during a morning stroll in the garden.
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....... ..Security personnel swiftly intervened, preventing the assailant from succeeding..........
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...... .... In a statement released by his office, Dale expressed his unwavering commitment to ensuring Eve's security and announced plans to hire a top-notch bodyguard with a proven track record.
...... ....Eve Dale, a prominent social media influencer known for her vlogs, has not released an official statement but is expected to ...... ........ ....

In a dimly lit den, surrounded by a symphony of humming computers and flickering screens, Jake's eyes darted across the laptop screen, absorbing the breaking news about Eve Dale's narrow escape. The room, an enigmatic realm that exuded the essence of a detective's haven, housed the clandestine operations of Jake, a skilled hacker whose fingertips danced on the keys like a maestro orchestrating a digital symphony.

As the words etched in electronic ink on the screen told the tale of the heiress and the attempt on her life, a furrow etched across Jake's forehead. His eyes, sharp and calculating, betrayed the gears turning within his mind.

Suddenly, with a swift and measured grace, Jake called out, "Raven." The name hung in the air like a whispered secret, a summons that stirred the stillness of the room. Raven, a figure cloaked in shadows, turned away from the task at hand, his gaze locking with Jake's.

Raven's presence emanated an aura of mystery, from the subtle scar tracing the contours of his jawline to the piercing gaze that seemed to decipher the secrets of the universe. he moved with the quiet confidence of a predator navigating its territory.

As Raven approached, His obsidian eyes, normally veiled in a veneer of detachment, now held a spark of something more profound-an unspoken acknowledgment that another layer of complexity had been added to the enigma surrounding Dales.

"What do you make of this, Raven?" Jake inquired, gesturing toward the news article on the screen.

Raven's response was measured, his voice a symphony of calm authority. "Someone's targeting the daughter of Aiden Dale, and it's not a random act. The attempt on Eve's life is a carefully orchestrated move, one that delves deeper than the surface of a mere kidnapping."

Jake, his brow furrowed in profound confusion, gazed at the screens as if the answers had slipped through the digital cracks. "Raven, I thought we were onto something with the Velvet Scandal. Three weeks of decoding, of tracing, and just when we thought we caught a thread-maybe Mr. Dale as a key to unraveling more of this woolen sea-a new layer emerges, covering and messing everything up." His voice carried the weight of frustration and a sense of being adrift in a sea of elusive truths.

Raven, despite the chaos of unraveling threads, retained his composed demeanor. He turned to Jake with a subtle smirk, a glint of calculation in his eyes. "There's only one way to crack the Dale mysteries, Jake," he remarked, his mind processing possibilities like a predatory strategist contemplating the next move.

"Some mysteries," he mused, a calculated resolve in his voice, "are best unraveled from within."

( A/N- hey fam. Now that you met both Raven and jake, do share your thoughts about them amd what u think about this 'Velvet Scandal ' ☠️)


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