Chapter 16 : Annoying shadows

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As Eve strolled through the vibrant mall, relishing her much-needed personal time, the array of shops and enticing displays offered a welcome distraction. Her steps echoed through the polished floors as she explored the realm of fashion and accessories.

Amid the lively atmosphere, an unsettling sensation crawled up Eve's spine. A sixth sense, honed by the presence of Raven in her life, made her aware of the peculiar gaze fixated on her. Glancing around discreetly, she spotted a creepy old man standing at a distance, his eyes locked onto her. His white beard covering most of his face below the nose and his body bulky.

Unease crept over her, and Eve decided to navigate through the mall, attempting to shake off the unwarranted attention. However, the persistent gaze continued, casting a shadow over her enjoyment.

Eve, feigning casualness, entered a bustling department store, hoping to lose the unwanted observer in the crowd. As she browsed through clothing racks, the old man seemed to linger, a persistent figure in the periphery of her awareness.

Growing uneasy, Eve discreetly reached for her phone and dialed Raven's number. "Raven, I think I have a stalker situation at the mall," she whispered, glancing around to ensure no one overheard.

On the other end of the line, Raven's composed voice responded, "Stay calm, Ms. Dale. Head towards the mall's security or any populated area. I'll be there shortly."

As Eve meandered through the mall, the elusive old man appeared to have vanished from her line of sight. A sigh of relief escaped her lips, and she resumed her shopping, allowing herself to become engrossed in the colorful displays and tempting merchandise.

Unbeknownst to Eve, the old man, shrouded in the anonymity of the bustling mall, continued to trail her discreetly. His intent remained unclear, casting a shadow over Eve's enjoyment of the shopping experience.

Eve, absorbed in the allure of fashion and distracted by the array of items, failed to notice the subtle presence that lingered in the background. The old man's calculated movements mirrored those of a phantom, and as Eve moved from store to store, he skillfully maintained a distance.

As the minutes ticked by, Eve's initial relief morphed into a lingering sense of unease. The feeling that someone was watching her persisted, casting a subtle pall over what was meant to be a leisurely shopping spree.

As eve decided to leave the mall and entered the elevator, the mysterious old man too got in before eve could close the door.
In the confined space of the elevator, the atmosphere grew tense as Eve and the mysterious old man found themselves alone, their paths converging in this small, moving enclosure. The persistent feeling of being watched intensified, sending a shiver down Eve's spine.

Unfazed, the old man maintained a stoic demeanor, his intent still concealed. Eve, however, couldn't shake the uneasy sensation that accompanied his presence. As the elevator ascended, she stole occasional glances at the elderly stranger, attempting to discern any signs of his intentions.

The air hung heavy with silent anticipation, each floor marker ticking away the seconds until the elevator reached its destination. Eve's mind raced, contemplating the best course of action. Should she confront the man? Should she alert someone? Questions swirled, amplifying her sense of vulnerability.

As the elevator doors slid open, revealing the ground floor and the bustling mall beyond, Eve made a swift exit, eager to put distance between herself and the enigmatic figure. The old man, however, seemed to move with purpose, stepping out of the elevator with a deliberate yet unhurried pace.

Eve taking a bold move, turned around taking out her pepper spray to attack the man.

The sudden burst of pepper spray filled the air, catching Raven off guard as he recoiled, instinctively shielding his eyes. Blinking rapidly, he stumbled backward, temporarily blinded by the unexpected assault. As the mist settled, the realization dawned on both Eve and Raven - a mix of surprise and realization etched across their faces.

Eve, wide-eyed and shocked, lowered the pepper spray canister, her earlier fear giving way to confusion. "Raven?" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of disbelief and embarrassment.

Raven, recovering from the effects of the pepper spray, blinked a few more times before his eyes focused on Eve. He raised an eyebrow, a mixture of amusement and understanding in his gaze. "Well, I guess you're not one to take chances," he remarked, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Eve, still processing the unexpected turn of events, stammered an apology. "I... I...Oh my gosh are you alright ?. I didn't mean to-"

Cutting her off with a raised hand, Raven reassured her, "It's alright, Ms. Dale. I should've announced myself. A precautionary measure, I suppose."

Eve, still slightly flustered from the pepper spray incident, couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"Okay, spill it," she demanded, crossing her arms. "I thought we agreed that I could have some alone time. Why were you following me in disguise?"

Raven, maintaining his composed demeanor, chuckled lightly. "Ms. Dale, I did agree to let you have your personal time, and I intended to keep my word. However, my job is to ensure your safety, even when you're out on your own."

Eve's expression shifted from suspicion to a mix of annoyance and realization. "So, this whole time...?"

Raven nodded, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "Guilty as charged. I was testing your awareness and preparedness for unexpected situations. It seems you passed with flying colors, though the pepper spray was a bit of a surprise."

Eve, now torn between irritation and a grudging acknowledgment, huffed, "Well, next time, announce yourself. No more sneaky bodyguard moves, got it?"

Raven agreed with a nod, "Understood. I'll stick to the more conventional approach. But it's good to know you're not easily caught off guard."

As they walked towards the exit, Raven turned towards eve with a small smile " In this crazy world, I'd rather be your annoying shadow than let anything happen to you."

As Raven's words settled into the air, a gentle silence fell between them. Eve, touched by the sincerity in his eyes, felt a warmth that went beyond the chilly exterior of the mall. She smiled, a mixture of gratitude and understanding, acknowledging the depth behind Raven's commitment. It was a moment that etched itself into the tapestry of their evolving connection.

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