chapter 30: Velvet-ine mirrors

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The next morning, Mr. Dale, dressed to the nines, knocked on Eve's door. With a comical smirk, he muttered, "Of course, she's still sleeping. When has she ever woken up earlier than 11?"

As he pushed the door, expecting it to be locked as usual, it swung open mysteriously. Mr. Dale, with a raised eyebrow, strolled inside, only to be greeted by a sight that nearly made his eyes pop out of their sockets.

"Eve! Raven!" he shouted, his voice an explosive mix of surprise and anger, waking both of them up from their peaceful slumber.

Eve, with her hair all tousled, blinked at her father, still half-asleep, and mumbled, "What's the fuss, Dad?"

Mr. Dale, pointing dramatically at the cuddled duo on the bed, exclaimed, "What the hell is going on here?!"

Raven, looking like he'd rather be anywhere else, slowly realized the situation and awkwardly detached himself from the bed. "Uh, Mr. Dale, it's not what it looks like."

Mr. Dale, unimpressed, crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "Really? Because it looks like I just walked into a slumber party in my own house!"

Eve, quick on her feet, cut Raven off before he could spill the beans about the emotional night. She grinned at Mr. Dale and casually explained, "Oh, Dad, it was just a movie marathon. You know, binge-watching stuff. We were so into it that we accidentally dozed off."

Raven, still half-confused, blurted out, "We were!?"

Eve shot him a playful yet urgent look, nudging him to play along. He scratched his head, muttered a confused "Yeah, we were," and shot Eve an equally puzzled glance.

Mr. Dale, far from amused, crossed his arms and glared at the two. "A movie marathon that turned into a slumber party? Seriously? In my house?"

Eve, trying to stifle a giggle, nodded enthusiastically. "Yep, Dad, just some innocent movie watching. Raven here is my movie buddy, right?"

Raven, caught in the act, gave a hesitant thumbs-up, still not entirely sure what movie marathon they were supposedly having.

Mr. Dale, fuming, snapped, "This is unacceptable! A movie marathon with my daughter, and you," he pointed at Raven, "are her bodyguard, not her movie buddy! Outrageous!"

Ignoring Raven, Mr. Dale, now in a bad mood, turned his attention to Eve. "Get ready, Eve. Dress nicely today. We have some guests visiting us for lunch."

Eve, catching the change in her father's mood, nodded cautiously. "Sure, Dad. Any idea who the guests are?"

Mr. Dale shot a pointed look at Raven, making it clear that he wasn't in the mood for any questions. "Just be ready. They're important guests. Don't mess this up."

Raven, couldn't help but wonder who the mysterious guests might be. However, any attempt to inquire was thwarted by Mr. Dale's stern expression, leaving him with a sense of anticipation and an uneasy feeling about the impending lunch gathering.

Raven, sensing the escalating situation, attempted to follow Mr. Dale, but the enraged father swiftly shut the door on his face. "We'll talk later!" Mr. Dale's voice boomed through the closed door, leaving Raven standing there, bewildered and slightly concerned about the impending conversation.

Eve, still trying to contain her laughter, patted Raven on the back. "Well, that went well."

Raven shot her a look of disbelief. "A movie marathon? Really?"

Eve shrugged, still grinning. "Hey, it worked. Better than telling him the truth, right?"

Raven, still baffled by the turn of events, looked at Eve and asked, "Why didn't you just tell him the truth?"

Eve, in her usual playful manner, flashed a mischievous grin. "Why spoil his good mood, Raven? Okay ...not that it is awesome right now but Dad's a lot to handle, you know."

Raven playfully shook his head, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You're something else, Ms Dale."

With a sheepish smile, Eve shrugged. "Life's too short to bring everyone down. Let's just roll with the punches, okay?"

As Raven turned to leave, Eve called out teasingly, "Hey, Raven! I remember you calling me something else last night."

Raven, raising an eyebrow, responded, "I always call you Ms. Dale. What are you talking about?"

Eve grinned, a playful glint in her eyes. "Oh, come on! Last night, you called me by my first name, 'Eve.' Any particular reason for the change?"

Raven, caught off guard, tried to play it cool. "I don't recall doing that. Maybe you were dreaming about it during your movie marathon."

Eve laughed, a melodic sound that filled the room. "Dreaming, huh? Well, Mr. Raven Noir, I guess even bodyguards have their moments of slip-ups."

Raven smirked, realizing he'd been caught. "Consider it a one-time thing. Don't let it get to your head, Ms. Dale."

Eve, persistent and with a mischievous glint in her eyes, continued to press on the topic. "Come on, Raven, it's not that bad calling me by my first name. In fact, I kinda liked it. So, how about you drop the formalities and call me Eve?"

Raven raised an eyebrow. "Ms. Dale is more appropriate, considering our roles."

Eve pouted playfully. "Oh, come on, Raven! We have been through a lot. We've crossed the formal threshold. Call me Eve. It's not gonna break any rules, right?"

Raven hesitated for a moment, then sighed, realizing resistance was futile against Eve's persuasive charm. "Fine, Eve. But only when it's just the two of us. We can't have Mr. Dale thinking we're throwing all professionalism out the window."

Eve grinned triumphantly. "Deal! Now, let's conquer the day, Raven."

As the day unfolded and the time for the arrival of guests approached, Eve joined Mr. Dale, accompanied by Raven, to welcome their visitors. The grand entrance of the Dale mansion became a hub of activity as preparations for the gathering reached their peak.

Eve, with a radiant smile, played the gracious hostess alongside her father. Raven, standing stoically by their side, observed the comings and goings with his usual vigilance. The air buzzed with excitement as guests began to arrive, greeted by the impressive facade of the Dale mansion and the warm reception of its hosts.

Raven's attention was suddenly seized by the sight of a particular individual, and under his breath, he muttered with darkened eyes and a clenched jaw, "Bartlett!?"

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