Chapter 5 - Guardian with popcorns

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In the tastefully decorated living room of the mansion, Eve lounged on a plush sofa, engrossed in a novel. The tranquility of her solitary reading time was shattered when Mr. Dale entered with a stern expression.

"Eve, I've decided to hire a bodyguard for your safety," he announced, his tone resolute.

Eve's eyes lifted from the book, a mix of surprise and displeasure on her face. "What? A bodyguard? Seriously, Dad? Isn't that a bit too much? It's not like I'm starring in an action movie."

Mr. Dale, accustomed to Eve's resistance, remained firm. "Eve, recent events demand extra precautions. Your safety is my top priority."

She sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes. "Dad, I can take care of myself. I'm not a damsel in distress. Plus, having someone following me around? Talk about an invasion of privacy. Do they come with popcorn to watch me binge-watch my favorite shows too?"

Her attempt at humor didn't faze Mr. Dale. "Eve, this is non-negotiable. It's for your safety, and I've already made the arrangements."

Eve, , continued her protest. "I mean, seriously, Dad, what's next? Are they going to accompany me to the bathroom, too? 'Cause that's where I draw the line. It's bad enough I can't find my favorite socks half the time. Imagine having an audience for that disaster."

Mr. Dale raised an eyebrow but maintained his stern demeanor. "Eve, it's not about witnessing every moment of your life. It's about ensuring your safety. I won't compromise on that."

She pouted playfully. "But what if this bodyguard is allergic to my sarcasm? I can't promise to tone it down, you know."

Mr. Dale couldn't help but crack a slight smile. "I'm sure they'll survive your wit. Safety first, Eve."

Eve huffed, feigning defeat. "Fine, fine. But mark my words, Dad, this is going to be the most boring shadow ever. Good luck finding someone who can keep up with my thrilling life."


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