Chapter 28: Gaurdian in shinning armour

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"On this bright morning, with the sun shining as always on the enormous, luxurious castle of the Dales, I, a lonely princess, sit on the balcony of my chamber, waiting for my knight in shining armor," Eve dramatically began her monologue.

Raven, unable to bear the theatrics, cut her off, "Stop right there. Are we in a Shakespearean play now? I thought you were just waiting for breakfast, not your knight."

Eve, unfazed, pouted, "Raven, you ruined my moment! I was setting the scene for a thrilling day ahead."

Raven, quipped, "Well, your thrilling day starts with bacon and eggs. Not a knight. And where's the drama in that?"

Eve rolled her eyes, "You lack a sense of romance, Raven. You need to loosen up a bit."

Raven, realizing his slight deviation from professionalism, cleared his throat. "Miss Dale, my apologies. Let's focus on the day ahead and leave the drama for, well, wherever you want to leave it."

Eve grinned, "Oh, come on, Raven. Can't a lonely princess have a bit of fun? Now, where's my breakfast? I'm hungry for both bacon and drama!"

As breakfast arrived, Eve sighed dramatically, poking at it. "This day is so boring, Raven. I have nothing to do."

Raven, looking at her incredulously, responded, "Miss Dale, you have a massive mansion, and you can practically do whatever you want. How can you be bored?"

Eve put down her fork, looking thoughtful. "Raven, my bucket list doesn't consist of things that can be bought by my dad."

Raven raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Bucket list? What's on it then?"

Eve leaned back in her chair, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, for starters, I've always wanted to ride a unicorn. And no, not one of those carnival ponies with a fake horn glued on. A real, magical unicorn."

Raven chuckled, "Miss Dale, unicorns aren't exactly easy to come by."

Eve grinned, "Details, Raven, details. Then, I want to learn how to fly, like a superhero. And maybe, just maybe, discover a hidden treasure in this mansion. You never know what secrets these old walls hold."

Raven couldn't help but laugh at Eve's imaginative bucket list. "Miss Dale, you're something else. But for now, how about a more realistic goal, like planning something fun for the day?"

Eve smirked, "Define 'realistic,' Raven. I'm ready for an adventure, even if it's just within these castle walls."

Raven, raising his glass of water to take a sip, considered a suggestion for a more realistic wish. Before he could respond, Eve added with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, "How about falling in love with... a detective, maybe?"

Raven choked on his water, coughing as he tried to compose himself. Eve looked at him, wide-eyed, "Oops, did I say something wrong?"

Still recovering, Raven managed to mutter, "No, it's... just an unexpected wish, Miss Dale. Falling in love with a detective is, um, quite specific."

Eve smirked, oblivious to Raven's true identity. "Well, detectives are mysterious and intriguing, aren't they? Imagine the thrill of solving mysteries together. It could be romantic!"

Raven, flustered by Eve's suggestion, attempted to regain his composure. "love and detective work don't exactly mix. Let's focus on more feasible activities for today, shall we?"

Eve, undeterred by Raven's attempt to steer the conversation away from her whimsical wish, leaned in, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Raven, you don't understand how cool detectives are. Imagine this: a moonlit rooftop, a detective in a trench coat, and me, solving mysteries together."

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