Chapter 15 : Guardian and the shopping list

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In the dimly lit room where Raven made his clandestine calls, he leaned against the wall, speaking to Jake in hushed tones. "Jake, I need the list of all the guests at the Clen masquerade ball and the staff working there. Get their data, especially any connections to the Velvet Scandal."

Jake's fingers danced over the keyboard as he replied, "Sure thing, Raven. I'll also dig into the CCTV footage from every nook and cranny. What are we looking for?"

"Anything unusual, connections, or if someone had a close conversation with Mr. Dale," Raven explained, his detective instincts guiding his requests.

Raven paced his room, the elusive figure from the ball etched in his thoughts. The mysterious man seemed to be a player in the Velvet Scandal - a puzzle piece in the complex game Raven was determined to solve. As he waited for Jake's findings, he meticulously reviewed the information he had gathered so far.

The distant hum of the city outside his window was a stark contrast to the silence within. Raven knew he had to tread carefully; every move could either unveil the truth or push it further into the shadows. The enigma surrounding the Dales and the Velvet Scandal loomed large, and Raven was determined to decipher it, piece by intricate piece.


Raven, wearing his characteristic composed demeanor, approached Eve the next morning. With a slight nod, he acknowledged her presence before politely addressing her.

"Ms. Dale," he began, a hint of sincerity in his voice, "I must apologize for leaving you alone at the dance last night. It wasn't my intention to abandon you."

Eve, looking up from her book, raised an eyebrow. His unexpected apology intrigued her. "Well, well, the mysterious bodyguard apologizing? This is a rare sight," she teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

Raven, maintaining his professional stance, offered a subtle smile. "I understand it might have been uncomfortable for you, and I want to assure you that it won't happen again."

Eve, still curious about the man behind the composed facade, tilted her head. "What happened? Did you spot a villain in the crowd or something?"

Raven hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "There was someone I needed to keep an eye on, someone with potential connections to the Velvet Scandal. It required my immediate attention."

Eve, momentarily taken aback, couldn't help but be intrigued. "Velvet Scandal? What's that?"

Raven's gaze momentarily flickered, contemplating how much information to reveal. "It's a complicated matter, but it involves intricate secrets and hidden truths. Rest assured, I'm here to ensure your safety, and I'll do my best to navigate these complexities."

As he spoke, there was a genuine undertone in his words, an unspoken commitment beyond the duties of a mere bodyguard.

Eve, determined to regain a sense of autonomy, looked at Raven with a sly smile. "Well, since you left me stranded at the dance, I think it's only fair you compensate me."

Raven, maintaining his composed demeanor, raised an eyebrow in silent acknowledgment, encouraging her to continue.

"I want a shopping spree," Eve declared, eyes gleaming with mischief. "And not just any shopping spree-alone. No shadows, no bodyguards lurking in the aisles. Just me, my credit card, and the enticing world of retail therapy."

Raven, with a subtle yet firm shake of his head, responded, "Ms. Dale, I cannot permit you to venture out alone. It's against the security measures we've put in place."

Eve, undeterred, leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "Come on, Raven, a girl needs her freedom. Besides, how can I shop for surprises if you're constantly breathing down my neck?"

Raven, maintaining a professional stance, resisted her playful antics. "My priority is your safety, and compromising that is not an option. I can, however, arrange for a personal shopper to assist you in selecting items from a curated list."

Eve rolled her eyes theatrically. "A personal shopper? Seriously? I want the thrill of wandering through the aisles, making impulsive decisions, and getting lost in the magic of retail chaos."

Despite Raven's initial refusal, Eve, with a determined glint in her eyes, persisted in her request for some personal space. "Come on, Raven. I promise I won't buy any mysterious artifacts or get myself into trouble. Just a little retail therapy to lighten the mood," she cajoled.

Eve continued plead. "I feel like a bird in a cage. A little time off from the watchful eyes might do wonders for my sanity."

Raven, finding himself in a delicate situation, decided to bend the truth a little. "Fine, Ms. Dale. I understand the need for privacy. You have my permission to go shopping alone. Just ensure you stay in well-populated areas, and don't wander off too far."

Eve's face lit up with a triumphant smile. "Thank you, Raven! You're not that bad, after all." She swiftly got up, ready to seize the opportunity to enjoy a moment of freedom.

Raven, maintaining his stoic expression, watched as she left, a subtle smirk betraying his amusement at the small victory she believed she had achieved.

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