Chapter 44: Guardian Shell

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That night, as the grand New Year's Eve party came to an end, Mr. Dale and Eve bid farewell to everyone, sharing hugs, laughter, and well-wishes for the year ahead. However, noticeably absent from their goodbyes was Daniel, who seemed to have vanished into the night, much to Raven's unspoken satisfaction. His absence didn't go unnoticed by Mr. Dale, who observed the perfectly noticeable smile playing on Eve's lips.

As they drove home, the night air held a certain enchantment, and Mr. Dale couldn't help but notice the joy radiating from his daughter. "You seem especially happy tonight, Eve. Did something magical happen at the party?" he inquired, a playful twinkle in his eyes.

Eve, still basking in the afterglow of the events that transpired, responded with a coy smile, "Oh, Dad, you know, New Year's magic, perhaps?"

Mr. Dale chuckled, "Well, I'm glad to see you so cheerful. It seems like this year is off to a great start for you."

Unbeknownst to him, Eve stole a glance at Raven, a subtle exchange of knowing glances passing between them. The car ride continued in comfortable silence, the night holding the promise of new beginnings, untold adventures, and a shared journey for Eve and Raven.


The next morning, as the sun kissed the horizon, Eve woke up with a palpable excitement. Today held a different energy, and she felt a surge of anticipation as she got ready for the day. However, her enthusiasm seemed to manifest in a chaotic wardrobe situation.

Frantically searching through her clothes, Eve threw garments in every direction, creating a morning mess that would give anyone a glimpse into the whirlwind of her thoughts. It was a surprisingly early hour for her—7:45 am, to be exact—an ungodly hour for someone accustomed to waking up at 11 or later.

In the midst of this clothing chaos, Mara, who was doing her assigned chores, emerged from a nearby room. She looked at the scene with a mix of confusion and concern. "Miss Eve, what are you doing so early? Is there something special today?"

Eve, still engaged in her mission to find the perfect outfit, simply replied, "It's the first day of the new year, Mara! I need to look beautiful."

Mara, trying to be helpful, suggested various dresses from the scattered pile, only to have each one rejected by Eve with a resolute "No, not this one." The room resembled a battlefield of fabrics, with discarded dresses forming a chaotic landscape.

Mara, determined to assist, offered more suggestions, "How about this one, Miss Eve? It's elegant and classy."

Eve shook her head, "Too classy. I need something with a splash of pizzazz!"

Mara tried again, "Maybe this colorful dress? It's vibrant and fun!"

Eve dismissed it with a wave, "Too much fun. I don't want to blind anyone."

As Eve and Mara were deep in their comical wardrobe adventure, suddenly, a chuckle echoed in the room. Both turned to find Raven leaning casually against the door frame, a smirk playing on his lips as he observed the fashion chaos.

Caught off guard, Eve felt a blush creeping up her cheeks. The nervousness from their heartfelt confession the previous night seemed to linger, and today, the idea of Raven seeing her in her pajamas brought an unexpected jolt of shyness.

Raven, noticing Eve's blush, couldn't help but find the situation amusing. "Well, this is quite the morning spectacle," he remarked with a playful glint in his eyes.

Eve, trying to maintain her composure, shot back, "Oh, don't pretend like you've never seen a fashion tornado before."

Raven chuckled, "Fair point. I do remember the day of masquerade Ball, Ms Dale. But I must say, it's entertaining."

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