Chapter 49 : Guarding the truth ahead

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As the morning banter continued between Raven and Eve, the sudden knock on the door jolted them. Eve's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and fear, imagining the potential awkwardness of her father discovering them in such an intimate morning setting. Raven, on the other hand, burst into laughter, finding the situation more amusing than alarming.

"Why are you laughing?" Eve whisper-shouted at the still chuckling Raven, her eyes darting towards the door with a tinge of panic.

Raven, with a teasing smile, managed to compose himself. "It's not the first time, though. Your dad has a knack for entering at the most unexpected moments," he said, recalling past instances with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Eve playfully hit him, her tone hushed but filled with urgency, "If Dad saw us like this... oh God, it would be more disastrous than a nuclear attack."

Raven, still grinning, assured her, "Don't worry, love. The door is locked from inside. Just casually talk to him, and he won't even suspect a thing."

Just as they began to strategize their casual interaction with Mr. Dale, another knock echoed through the room. This time, it was accompanied by Mr. Dale's voice calling, "Eve, are you awake? Can I come in?"

As Eve hastily got up from the bed, she found herself caught in the awkward dance of dressing up and maintaining the facade of a casual morning. Opening the door only slightly, she peeked out to ensure that Mr. Dale wouldn't catch a glimpse of Raven still inside.

With an attempt at casualness that bordered on comedic, Eve greeted her father, "Hey, Dad, good morning. What are you doing here on this beautiful morning? I mean... how can I help you?" She cursed under her breath, realizing she was failing miserably at sounding casual.

Mr. Dale chuckled in response, amused by his daughter's awkward attempt at nonchalance. "Oh, nothing. Just wanted to tell Raven to have a talk with me as soon as he is... free."

Eve, nervously trying to divert her father's attention, raised an eyebrow. "Dad, I think for that, you should go to his room or call him. Haha, how would I..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Mr. Dale cut her off with a smirk. "Oh, come on, I know better. Where would he be if not here? I've witnessed too many 'it's not what it seemed like' moments to know where to find him."

With that, Mr. Dale turned around to leave, leaving Eve wide-eyed. Mumbling under her breath, she realized the predicament, "Well, this time, it is what it looks like."

But before she could close the door, Mr. Dale turned around squinting his eyes"Oh, and Eve," he said with a questioning glint in his eyes, "never knew you had an oversized shirt with you." He raised an eyebrow and walked away, leaving Eve standing there, wide-eyed, with the realization that her father was more perceptive than she had given him credit for.


As Raven entered Mr. Dale's room, he could immediately sense the weight of the atmosphere. Mr. Dale was pacing back and forth, lost in deep thought. Raven's greeting was more than just a casual inquiry; it carried an underlying understanding of the tumultuous events of the past two days.

"Morning, Mr. Dale. How have you been?" Raven's voice held a gentle tone, conveying his silent support and readiness to listen.

Mr. Dale, his expression clouded with sadness, stopped pacing and turned to face Raven. "Raven, I need your help," he began, his voice heavy with emotion. "I have made a decision."

Raven's demeanor remained composed, but his eyes conveyed a sense of attentiveness, urging Mr. Dale to continue.

Taking a deep breath, Mr. Dale uttered the words that had been weighing heavily on his mind. "I want to confess," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. He locked eyes with Raven, seeking understanding and perhaps a glimmer of reassurance. "I want to confess all the statements regarding the Velvet scandal in court."

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