Chapter 36: Velvet-ine fog

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The warm rays of the afternoon sun streamed through the library windows, casting a gentle glow on the shelves filled with an array of books. Eve, determined to organize her beloved collection, stood on a sturdy stool, reaching for the higher shelves. Mara, the reliable maid, joined her in this meticulous task, offering assistance despite Eve's insistence on handling the books herself.

As they worked, the library echoed with the soft shuffling of pages and the occasional laughter that bubbled up in the midst of their conversation. Eve, not only immersed in arranging her cherished novels but also in sharing some beauty tips with Mara.

"So, Mara, have you tried the new skincare routine I suggested?" Eve asked with enthusiasm, her hands carefully placing books side by side.

Mara, chuckling, replied, "Miss Eve, you know I'm not much into those fancy creams, but I did try the one you mentioned. Gotta admit, it works wonders!"

Eve, with a genuine smile, continued "You see, Mara, taking care of your skin is like curating a collection of precious books. You want to protect and cherish it," she said, motioning toward the well-organized bookshelf.

Mara, still wiping away imaginary dust from the books, chuckled, "Well, Miss Eve, if my skin becomes as radiant as these shelves, I'll gladly follow your advice."

As they reached another shelves, Eve spotted an old, worn-out novel. She held it up with a nostalgic smile. "Ah, 'The Enchanted Garden.' I remember reading this with my mom when I was a kid. It's a bit tattered now, but the memories it holds are priceless."

Mara, intrigued, listened attentively as Eve shared snippets of her childhood and the special moments she associated with certain books.

As Eve diligently dusted the higher shelves of her expansive library, standing on a sturdy stool, Raven returned from his routine inspection of the mansion. His observant eyes caught Eve's precarious position, prompting him to express concern.

"Be careful, Ms. Dale," he cautioned in his usual composed tone, a hint of genuine worry underlying his words.

Hearing his voice, Eve, who had been somewhat lost in her task, suddenly became conscious of his presence. The memory of their intimate dance in the rain played in her mind, making her cheeks flush with embarrassment. As Raven's voice resonated in the library, it seemed to carry a subtle tension, a silent acknowledgment of the shared moment that lingered between them.

In that moment of distraction, Eve lost her balance on the stool. A gasp escaped her lips as she teetered precariously, but before any mishap could occur, Raven swiftly moved to catch her. His strong, steady arms encircled her, providing a secure anchor.

Their eyes met briefly, a silent exchange passing between them. The atmosphere hung with unspoken words and a hint of vulnerability, creating a subtle shift in the dynamics that neither of them could entirely ignore.

Eve hastily straightened herself, breaking the eye contact with Raven. She became remarkably interested in the titles of the books surrounding her, blinking rapidly as if trying to establish an intense connection with the spines.

Raven, equally caught off guard, cleared his throat awkwardly and found an imaginary speck of dust on a nearby shelf to inspect.

Mara, observing the evident discomfort between Eve and Raven, innocently suggested, "How about Mr. Raven helps you with the cleaning, and I take care of the other rooms?"

Eve, attempting to conceal her awkwardness, quickly chimed in, "Oh, no, Mara, you see, Raven here is not really into cleaning. He's more of the 'guardian of the books' type. Isn't that right, Raven?"

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