Chapter 40: Guardian and the surprises

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[ A/N - hey fam! Okay, so before we begin this chapter i want to share my THISamazing imagination with ya'll. So everytime i write about Mr Dale or his character theres just one face i can think of that would FIT IT. Idk if u would agree but.....its.........RDJ ✨️✨️✨️)

The sun had barely started to cast its warm rays when Mr. Dale returned from his 'business trip,' energized and ready to surprise Eve. Little did he know, he was about to walk into a situation that would redefine the term "surprise."

With a grin, he tiptoed down the hallway toward Eve's room, envisioning her delight at his unexpected return. He gently pushed the door open, ready to unveil himself as the hero of the morning.

However, what met his eyes was far from the expected scene. There, on the couch in Eve's room, was a shirtless Raven, comfortably nestled beside Eve, both blissfully lost in a serene morning slumber.

The shock and realization hit Mr. Dale like a thunderbolt. His planned surprise took an unexpected turn, replacing joy with sheer astonishment. He couldn't help but shout their names in a mix of fury and disbelief.

"Eve! Raven!"

The sudden uproar jolted both of them awake. Raven, still groggy from sleep, blinked in confusion, realizing the compromising situation. Eve, equally disoriented, stared wide-eyed at her infuriated father.

Mr. Dale, his face turning various shades of red, tried to find the right words. "What in the world is going on here? Raven, where is your shirt?"

Caught in the crossfire of Mr. Dale's unbridled wrath, Raven scrambled to sit up, hastily reaching for his shirt, which was conveniently draped over the armrest of the nearby chair. Eve, on the other hand, was struggling to suppress her laughter, finding the entire situation too amusing to handle.

her eyes dancing with mischief. "Dad, it's not what it looks like. Raven was just..."

Mr. Dale, still fuming, raised his hand to silence the explanations. "I can see perfectly well what it looks like, Eve. This is unacceptable."

Raven, now successfully clothed, cleared his throat, attempting to address the situation with a hint of composure. "Mr. Dale, I can explain-"

"Explain? Explain what? That this is the second time i find you in Eve's room, in the morning and THIS time SHIRTLESS!!?" he exclaimed,

Raven, now fully aware of the potential consequences of this mishap, attempted to regain some semblance of control. "Sir, it's not what you think. Ev....Ms Dale and I just fell asleep here, talking about something important."

But Mr. Dale, his frustration reaching its peak, stormed out of the room, leaving Eve and Raven in a state of disarray.

Raven, slightly flustered, turned to Eve with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry about this, Eve. It's not how I planned to start the day."

Eve, her initial shock transforming into a playful smile, teased, "Well, I've had more conventional wake-up calls, but this one definitely tops the list."


Eve and Raven nervously descended the staircase, their eyes flickering with uncertainty as they approached Mr. Dale, who stood with crossed arms, an air of stern confusion hanging about him.

"So, what do you both have to say now?" Mr. Dale questions, raising an eyebrow in a manner that suggests he's trying to maintain composure.

Eve, exchanges a quick glance with Raven before attempting to defuse the situation. "Dad, it's not what you think. There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this."

Raven, standing beside Eve like a stoic guardian, chimes in, "Absolutely, Mr. Dale. Nothing inappropriate happened. It's just a big misunderstanding."

Mr. Dale, unconvinced, taps his foot impatiently. "I'm listening."

Eve takes a deep breath and starts, "You see, we were just discussing... um, the latest security measures for the house! Yes, Raven here is not just my bodyguard; he's also an expert in home security."

Raven nods in agreement, adding, "Yes, sir. We were evaluating potential vulnerabilities in the living room, and the couch happened to be a crucial point of interest."

Mr. Dale squints at them, trying to make sense of the explanation. "Home security? On the couch?"

Eve, now desperate to convince her father, continues with an earnest expression, "Yes, Dad! Raven was just demonstrating a new technique to protect the sofa. It involves hugging it tightly to ensure it's secure. You know, a 'hug-based security system.'"

Raven, playing along, nods seriously. "It's a groundbreaking approach, sir."

Mr. Dale raises an eyebrow, the absurdity of the explanation slowly sinking in. "Hug-based security system?"

Eve nods enthusiastically. "Exactly! It's the latest trend in home protection. And, you know, we didn't want to spoil the surprise, so we were keeping it a secret until we perfected the technique."

A hint of a smile escapes Mr. Dale as he tries to suppress a chuckle. "You two are telling me you were sleeping on couch together for security purposes?"

Eve grins, "Yes, Dad! It's all in the name of safety. We even have a slogan: 'Hug your worries away, and keep your furniture safe!'"

Raven adds, "We were just about to present our findings and demonstrate the technique to you. It's foolproof!"

Mr. Dale, unable to contain his laughter any longer, bursts into a hearty chuckle. "Well, I must say, that's the most creative excuse I've ever heard. Hug-based security it is, then!"

Eve and Raven share a triumphant look as Mr. Dale shakes his head, amused. "Alright, alright. You win this round. Just promise me you'll find less unconventional ways to test security measures in the future.And just.....maintain the line of professionalism please."

Eve salutes dramatically, "Promise, Dad! Hug-based security is a one-time experiment!"

As Raven excuses himself to change and freshen up, Eve turns to her father with a warm smile.

"Dad, it's so good to have you back!" Eve exclaims, wrapping her arms around Mr. Dale in a genuine hug.

Mr. Dale returns the embrace, chuckling. "It's good to be back, sweetheart. Although, I must say, your approach to home security is unlike anything I've ever encountered."

Eve grins mischievously. "Well, you know me, always pushing the boundaries. Hug-based security might just revolutionize the industry."

They share a laugh, the tension from earlier dissipating. As they pull away from the hug, Mr. Dale looks at his daughter with affection. "So, how have you been while I was away? Any mischiefs i should be aware of ?"

Eve playfully rolls her eyes. "Oh, nothing too outlandish. Just the usual - stay at home and simp for my fictional characters."

As they continue chatting, Mr. Dale can't help but feel a sense of pride and joy at the spirited and imaginative daughter he has.
Eve, in turn, fills him in on the events of the past few days, carefully avoiding any mention of the mysterious "secret talk" with Raven.

Meanwhile, Raven returns, dressed in a crisp suit, looking refreshed. He nods respectfully at Mr. Dale. "Good to have you back, sir."

Mr. Dale nods in return. "Likewise, Raven. I hope my daughter hasn't given you too much trouble in my absence."

Raven smirks subtly. "Not at all, sir. Just the usual adventure and excitement."

Mr Dale turns to Eve," would you like to celebrate the coming new year eve, dear ?"

( A/N - yeah so before endung this chapter just wanna ask. Who do you think would have been a perfect fit for Mr Dale character if not RDJ 💕)


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