Chapter 25: Guardian in the talks

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In the cozy corner of the staff break room, a group of mansion employees huddled together, their voices hushed as they exchanged the latest observations about the shifting dynamics.

Greta, the seasoned housekeeper, leaned in and spoke in a conspiratorial tone, "Have you noticed Raven lately? He's like a different person."

Maria, the chef, chimed in, "Absolutely! He used to be all stoic and serious, but now he's practically smiling. What's going on?"

John, one of the security personnel, raised an eyebrow, "I heard he's been extra protective of Miss Eve. Like, superhero-level protective."

The youngest maid, Lily, giggled, "Maybe he's fallen for her. You know, like in those romantic novels."

Greta rolled her eyes, "Oh, please! This is real life, not a novel. But something's definitely up. Did anyone catch what they were talking about in the garden yesterday?"

Maria nodded, "I overheard a bit. They were discussing books, of all things. Raven seemed genuinely interested."

John added, "And there's this rumor that Raven has been checking the security cameras even more often. Like, he's on a mission or something."

As the staff continued to speculate, the air in the room filled with a mix of curiosity, amusement, and a touch of excitement. The mysterious changes in Raven's behavior became the talk of the mansion, adding an unexpected layer of intrigue to their routine duties.


Eve casually perused the shelves of the library, her eyes darting from one book to another. Finally, she plucked out a worn paperback, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Raven observed her with an amused expression as she settled into the comfortable armchair, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

"Raven, if you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring one novel, which would it be?" she quizzically asked, holding up the chosen book.

Raven, feigning seriousness, leaned back, contemplating the question. "Ah, the quintessential dilemma. The solitary island scenario. Well, I'd choose-"

"Wait, wait!" Eve interrupted with mock urgency. "Let's make it interesting. You can only choose between a romance novel and a mystery novel. Which one would be your ultimate companion?"

Raven, an expert in the art of mystery and detective work, couldn't help but smirk. "A mystery novel, undoubtedly. The twists, the turns, the suspense-they make the isolation on that fictional island so much more thrilling."

Eve, playing her part in this lighthearted debate, widened her eyes in exaggerated shock. "A mystery novel? Really? Not a romantic escape, not a heartwarming tale of love conquering all?"

Raven, now fully immersed in the playful banter, leaned forward, countering with a sly grin, "Well, maybe the mystery is finding love in unexpected places. That's the real twist."

Eve burst into laughter, realizing she might have triggered an unexpected twist in their usual banter.

As their laughter subsided, Raven couldn't help but marvel at the change in dynamics. The library, once a sanctuary for solitude and contemplation, now resonated with the lightness of their banter. It was a pleasant departure from the serious discussions about security and secrecy that usually filled their interactions.

Eve, wiping away a mock tear, teased, "Who knew our stoic bodyguard had a secret soft spot for mystery novels with a hint of romance?"

Raven, maintaining a composed demeanor but with a twinkle in his eyes, replied, "Ah, the enigma within the enigma. Keeps things interesting, doesn't it?"

Unbeknownst to them, the staff members, who had been silently observing the shift in dynamics, shared knowing glances, recognizing the subtle change in Raven's demeanor.

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