Chapter 21 : Guardian's tale

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Eve stirred in the sterile hospital room, her senses gradually returning to her. The soft hum of medical equipment and the faint glow of monitors greeted her awakening. Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the clinical surroundings.

As consciousness embraced her fully, the memories of the traumatic incident flooded back. A dull ache throbbed in her head, and the sharp pain in various parts of her body reminded her of the perilous ordeal she had endured. Eve's gaze wandered around the room, catching sight of the bouquet of flowers on the bedside table-a silent gesture of comfort and well-wishing.

A soft knock on the door preceded the entrance of a nurse, clad in crisp white. "Good to see you awake, Ms. Dale," she greeted, a reassuring smile gracing her face. The nurse proceeded to check Eve's vital signs, providing gentle updates on her condition.

Soon after, Mr. Dale, entered the room, his eyes betraying a mix of relief and lingering anxiety. The air in the room shifted as the weight of unspoken concern hung between them. Mr. Dale approached Eve's bedside, his voice a delicate mix of emotion. "My dear, I was so worried. How are you feeling?"

Eve managed a weak smile, her voice a raspy whisper, "I've been better, Dad." She then inquired about the events leading to her hospitalization, and Mr. Dale, with a solemn expression, began to recount the details, leaving out the complexities and conflicts that had transpired with Raven.

Mr. Dale hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "Eve, there was an incident. You were attacked outside the restaurant. Raven and the police managed to intervene, but you sustained injuries in the process." His gaze held a mix of concern and a reluctance to disclose the full extent of the situation.

Eve's brow furrowed, a sense of unease settling in. " Why and who is behind all these events, dad ?"

Mr. Dale sighed, grappling with the complexity of the truth. "We're still trying to piece everything together. The police are investigating, and Raven..."

Eve, sensing the hesitation in her father's words asked " and, Raven? What about him ?"

Mr Dale with a hint of anger in his voice, " I fired him, eve"

Eve's eyes widened with disbelief. "Fired him? Why would you do that?"

Mr. Dale sighed, struggling to meet his daughter's gaze. "Eve, I can't ignore what happened. He was supposed to be your bodyguard, and yet, you were attacked under his watch."

"But it wasn't his fault! He tried to save me!" Eve protested, her frustration mounting.

"I understand, Eve, but there are consequences to actions. I can't take chances with your safety," Mr. Dale explained, a mixture of concern and sternness in his voice.

Eve's expression shifted from disbelief to a sudden determination. "I want to see him. I need to talk to him."

Mr. Dale hesitated, then nodded. "Fine, but please understand, Eve, I'm doing what I believe is best for your safety."


Raven entered the hospital room cautiously, his eyes meeting Eve's as he saw a mix of emotions in her gaze. There was relief, anger, and a silent plea for an explanation.

"Eve," he began, his voice laden with a mixture of regret and sincerity.

"Why did you let them fire you?" Eve cut in, her frustration evident.

Raven took a moment before responding, "I understand your father's concern. It's my fault you were hurt. I should've been more vigilant."

"But you were doing your job, Raven! You were protecting me," Eve exclaimed, her voice wavering between anger and desperation.

Raven sighed, his eyes reflecting the burden of guilt he carried. "It's complicated, Eve. There are things you don't know. I took this job for reasons beyond just being a bodyguard."

Eve looked at him, perplexed. "What are you talking about?"

"I have my own motives, Eve, and I can't let them jeopardize your safety any further," Raven confessed, his gaze never leaving hers.

Eve's frustration shifted to confusion. "Motives? What are you hiding from me, Raven?"

He hesitated, torn between the truth and protecting her. "I promise, Eve, when the time is right, I'll tell you everything. But for now, your safety matters more than my own agenda."

As Raven's words lingered in the air, Eve felt a sense of urgency, a need to unravel the mysteries surrounding the enigmatic man before her. The hospital room, once a sanctuary, now became a stage for a complex drama that would shape the trajectory of their intertwined fates.

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