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The New Year's eve venue is a dazzling display of lights and laughter as Mr. Dale, Eve, and Raven make their entrance. Eve, adorned in an elegant dress, catches the attention of everyone in the room with her grace and charm.

( Eve's dress )

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( Eve's dress )

As they proceed further into the celebration, Mr. Dale spots Mr. Astore and his family already in attendance.

"Richard! So good to see you. Happy New Year's Eve!" Mr. Dale exclaims, extending a warm handshake to Mr. Astore.

"Happy New Year eve, Dale! And to your lovely daughter as well," Mr. Astore responds, casting an appreciative glance at Eve.

Mr. Dale takes the opportunity to introduce Eve. "Richard, this is my daughter, Eve. Eve, meet Mr. Richard Astore, his wife, and their son, Daniel."

Eve extends her hand gracefully, engaging in polite conversation. "A pleasure to meet you all. Wishing you a wonderful New Year's Eve."

Daniel, captivated by Eve's presence, can't help but admire her beauty. "The pleasure is mine, Eve. I must say, you've added a touch of elegance to this gathering."

Eve graciously accepts the compliment, "Thank you, Daniel. It's a delightful evening, isn't it?"

Meanwhile, Raven observes the interaction with a keen eye, his attention lingering on Daniel. Muscular and tattooed, Daniel's presence is impossible to ignore. Raven's thoughts swirl as he contemplates the stark contrast between himself and Daniel.

As the crowd engulfs Mr. Dale and the Astore couple into various conversations, Eve and Daniel find themselves in a momentary bubble of solitude.

Daniel, ever the charismatic bad boy, leans in with a sly grin. "Eve, you're stealing the spotlight tonight. What's your secret?"

Eve, gracefully handling his flirtatious banter, replies with a chuckle, "Maybe it's just the magic of New Year's Eve."

Daniel, undeterred, leans closer, "Or maybe it's just you."

As their playful banter continues, Daniel's gaze shifts, catching sight of Raven, who has been standing guard behind Eve. With an intrigued expression, he raises an eyebrow. "Who's your bodyguard, Eve? He looks like he's ready for a fight."

Eve, momentarily surprised by the abrupt change in topic, glances over her shoulder at Raven. "Oh, that's Raven, my bodyguard. Raven, this is Daniel Astore."

Raven, recognizing the challenge in Daniel's eyes, extends a firm handshake, his gaze unwavering. Daniel reciprocates with a smirk, the unspoken challenge hanging between them like a palpable force.

"Raven, huh?" Daniel muses. "Sounds like a name for someone who means business. You're quite the enigma, my friend."

Raven, ever stoic, simply nods.

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