Chapter 37: Eyes of the prey

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The metro subway echoed with an eerie emptiness as Raven descended the steps. The dim glow of flickering lights cast shadows that danced ominously across the desolate platform. The air was thick with anticipation, and the distant hum of an approaching train added a haunting melody to the silence.

As Raven navigated through the solitude, his keen eyes meticulously examined every corner, searching for any sign of Bartlett or potential threats. The solitude hung in the air like a heavy cloak, and the lady standing on the platform, seemingly lost in her own thoughts, was the only soul present.

Her figure was outlined by the pale glow of the flickering lights, creating an enigmatic silhouette. Raven's eyes, trained for danger, assessed the surroundings, yet something about her presence felt out of place. The rhythmic click of her heels against the cold platform seemed to echo louder than it should in the stillness.

Raven approached cautiously, his senses on high alert. The lady turned slightly, revealing an elegant profile. Her eyes, hidden behind dark sunglasses, added an air of mystery to her demeanor. With a swift movement, she faced the other side, seemingly indifferent to Raven's scrutiny.

Raven approached the lone lady cautiously. She acknowledged his presence with a sly smile, her eyes gleaming with a dark allure. "Need something, handsome?" she asked, her voice carrying a mysterious undertone.

Raven, ever vigilant, assessed her carefully, his detective instincts on high alert. "Just waiting for a friend," he replied casually, his gaze darting to the surroundings. The dimly lit station provided an enigmatic backdrop to their interaction.

She stepped closer, the dim light casting shadows on her features. "You seem like a man who appreciates a little excitement," she continued, her voice a sultry whisper. Raven, ever cautious, played along without revealing any vulnerability. "I'm here on business, not pleasure," he replied cryptically.

Undeterred, the lady circled him, her movements predatory. "Business can be pleasurable if you know how to mix work and play," she insinuated, her tone suggestive. Raven, feeling the weight of her words, steered the conversation, subtly extracting information about her presence at the deserted subway station.

As the train's distant hum grew louder, the lady's attempts at seduction took a darker turn. "You're not like the others," she murmured, her eyes glinting with an unsettling gleam.

Raven, keeping a distance, felt the woman's advances intensify. She brushed her fingers lightly against his arm, a subtle yet insistent gesture. "You're not easy to crack, are you?" she teased, her voice a mix of sultriness and frustration.
Raven sidestepped her advances,"I don't mix business with pleasure," he replied, deflecting her attempts at physical contact.

Her words took on a darker edge. "What if I told you that I know something you desperately want to find out?" she whispered, her lips dangerously close to his ear. Raven's facade wavered for a moment, curiosity flickering in his eyes. But he quickly regained control, aware that this interaction could be a trap.

The lady inches closer, the faint scent of her perfume lingering in the air. Her movements are deliberate, a sensuous dance that attempts to draw Raven into her web. She twirls a strand of her hair between her fingers, a coy smile playing on her lips.

Closing the distance, she leans in, her breath grazing Raven's neck. Her fingers trace a subtle path along his arm, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. "You're a mystery, sweetheart. I like mysteries," she purrs, her voice low and seductive.

Raven remains composed, though his pulse quickens slightly. He discreetly steps back, creating a fraction more space between them. The lady, undeterred, maintains the allure of mystery as she circles him like a predator closing in on its prey.

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