Chapter two -Guardian's Pursuit

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Eve!" Mr. Dale's voice reverberated through the mansion as he rushed towards his daughter's room, leaving behind the shadows of corporate chaos that clung to his every step. Concern etched across his face, he threw open the door, his eyes scanning the room until they found Eve. In that moment, the air seemed to hum with a father's instinct, overriding the mundane rhythm of the day.

"Eve, are you okay? Are you hurt?" he questioned, his hands reaching out to inspect her for any signs of harm. Eve, still reeling from the garden ordeal, found a strange solace in the familiarity of her father's touch.

"I-I'm okay, Dad," she stammered, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. "It was scary, but I'm fine now."

Mr. Dale's gaze softened, a mixture of relief and lingering fear still evident in his eyes. He pulled her into a tight embrace, a protective shield against the unseen shadows that had dared to breach their haven.

"I can't believe this happened. How did an intruder get into the garden? What's wrong with the security here?" Mr. Dale's anger flared, his protective instincts turning into a fierce demand for answers. He turned to the mansion staff and security guard, his voice cutting through the room.

"Someone better explain this right now! How did this happen?"

The staff, visibly shaken, struggled to find words as Mr. Dale's frustration morphed into a steely determination. Eve, sensing the impending storm, tried to interject.

"Dad, please, let's not jump to conclusions. I'm okay, and they did their best to help."

Mr. Dale, however, was not to be swayed. The fear that had briefly surfaced now transmuted into a resolute determination.

"No, Eve. This is not acceptable. I won't risk losing you. I need to ensure your

your safety at any cost."

Mr. Dale, with a determined look, left the room without another word. Mr. Dale retreated to the sanctuary of his office, the door closing behind him with a resolute click.
His first command echoed through the hallowed walls of the room - a directive as sharp as the edges of his mahogany desk. "Find the best damn bodyguard for Eve, and I mean now," he barked into the intercom, leaving his staff scrambling to fulfill his urgent request.

( A/N- soooo its ⏲️ time for the entry of 🤐ok sorry I'll zip it. But i guess you KNOW ALREADY. 💣)


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