Chapter 34 : Guardian with soup bowl !?

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( ^^ this song seems just perfect too perfect for this chapter idk why )

As the evening unfolded, Eve and Raven found themselves on the balcony, each immersed in their own quiet contemplation. Raven, sitting with his eyes closed, appeared deeply engrossed in his thoughts, leaning back on his chair as if seeking solace in the tranquil atmosphere.

Eve, engrossed in her book, couldn't help but let her gaze drift toward Raven from time to time. In those moments, she found herself captivated by the calm and serene aura that seemed to envelop him. The subtle play of evening light on his features, the quiet composure with which he sat, and the air of undisturbed introspection painted a picture of tranquility.

In the hushed stillness of the balcony, Eve's internal monologue whispered, "There's something strangely serene about Raven in moments like these. It's as if he's detached from the chaos, finding a sanctuary within his own thoughts. Maybe that's his way of navigating the intricacies of this mansion, and perhaps, the complexities of his own enigmatic existence."

As if on cue, the sky decided to release its pent-up emotions, and droplets of rain began to dance across the balcony.

With an infectious burst of energy, she exclaimed, "Rain! Finally!" Her book forgotten, she stood up, arms wide open, welcoming the cool droplets with unrestrained joy.

Raven, slightly startled by Eve's enthusiastic outburst, blinked as a few raindrops landed on his face. Despite his initial surprise, a subtle smile tugged at the corners of his lips, mirroring the unspoken delight in the moment.

Eve, her enthusiasm , extended an invitation with sparkling eyes. "Come on, Raven! Let's go outside and get drenched in the rain. It's liberating!" Her voice carried the infectious spirit of a child reveling in the joy of the moment.

However, Raven, maintaining his composed demeanor, declined with a subtle shake of his head. "I appreciate the offer, Eve, but it's not something I indulge in," he replied, his words carrying a touch of restraint.

Eve, undeterred by the refusal, persisted with playful insistence. "Oh, come on! It's just rain. What's the harm in letting loose for a moment? I promise it's fun!" Her eyes shimmered with a mischievous glint, a testament to her determination to share the joyous experience.

Raven, though tempted by the prospect, remained steadfast in his decision. "Thank you, but I'll pass. I prefer to stay dry and focused," he explained, maintaining his usual composed stance.

Raven, foreseeing the potential consequences of Eve venturing into the rain, decided to follow her downstairs. As she stepped into the courtyard, the raindrops transformed into a lively dance around her.

Raven, with a composed yet concerned expression, caught up to her. "Eve, you should be careful. You might catch a cold if you stay out in the rain too long," he cautioned, his voice a gentle reminder of his protective nature.

Eve, undeterred, grinned playfully. "Come on, Raven! It's just a little rain. Live a little!" Her laughter echoed in the courtyard as she twirled in the rain, reveling in the simple joy of the moment.

Raven couldn't help but sigh at Eve's infectious spirit. "Eve, I understand the joy, but it's not practical to get soaked. Let me at least get an umbrella for you," he suggested, attempting to find a compromise between her exuberance and his concern.

Despite his attempts, Eve continued to dance in the rain, seemingly unaffected by the rationality of Raven's advice.

In the midst of her lively dance, Eve's enthusiasm momentarily betrayed her, leading to an unexpected slip. Just as gravity threatened to take its course, Raven, quick as ever, reached out and caught her in a secure embrace.

Their eyes met, an unspoken connection lingering in the air. "Be careful, Eve. You might fall," Raven's voice, though composed, held an undertone of concern.

Eve, caught in the warmth of his arms, playfully mumbled, "I might have fallen," a subtle admission that transcended the physical context.

Sensing Eve's playfulness and the potential hazards of the rain-slicked courtyard, Raven gently suggested, "How about a different dance, one where we move together? Follow my lead, Miss Eve."

With a shared smile, they began a graceful dance, navigating the courtyard with a seamless choreography that transcended the boundaries of practicality. Raven held Eve with a steady yet tender touch, his hand securely on her waist, guiding her through the rhythm of the rain.

Their steps synchronized effortlessly, a silent understanding woven into the dance. The courtyard became their private ballroom, the raindrops composing a melody only they could hear.

As they twirled and swayed,
Eve and Raven engaged in a slow, enchanting dance under the caress of raindrops.

As the dance concluded, they found themselves standing in an unspoken moment, reluctance to let go evident in their intertwined embrace. Locked in a gaze, their bodies dangerously close, it was as if the world around them had blurred, and only the electric connection between them remained.

The vulnerability of the rain-kissed courtyard intensified as they leaned towards each other, basking in the warmth that emanated from their closeness. Their noses nearly touched, lips mere centimeters apart, as if suspended in a delicate dance of anticipation. Time seemed to waver, caught between the languid descent of raindrops on their skin and the hurried flutter of their hearts.

In this suspended moment, their eyes remained fixed, delving into the depths of each other's souls. The soft patter of raindrops provided a serene backdrop to the symphony of their hearts, pounding so loudly that the very air seemed charged with anticipation. Breathing was a shared rhythm, heavy, slow, and slightly shaky, as if both were holding their breath, waiting for a moment that lingered on the precipice of something unspoken.

Their proximity left no room for distance; every inch between them was a void waiting to be closed. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, yet the urgency in their shared gaze betrayed a silent scream, an acknowledgment of an invisible force pulling them closer.

As the rain continued its gentle descent, Eve, seemingly awakened from the trance of their shared moment, took a step back. A sudden realization crossed her mind - the gravity of what they were about to do, or perhaps the awareness that Raven had a girlfriend. A quiet tension hung in the air.

Raven, equally caught off guard by the unintended intimacy, mirrored Eve's step backward. The courtyard, once a haven for their unspoken connection, now held an unexpected awkwardness.

They stood there, raindrops providing a subtle percussion to the silence that enveloped them. Eve broke the stillness, her voice carrying a mix of confusion and realization. "Raven, I... I didn't mean for this to happen. We should... we should forget it," she stammered, her gaze searching for a way to navigate through the sudden shift.

Raven, regaining his composure, nodded in agreement. "you're right. It was a momentary lapse. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable." he suggested, his tone a blend of reassurance yet with a hint of another hidden emotion.

Eve's delicate sneezes broke the lingering tension, a reminder of the practical concerns beyond the realm of their momentary lapse. Raven, with a resigned sigh, chided gently, "I did warn you about catching a cold, Eve. Let's get you inside, and I'll whip up some hot soup. You can change into something warm."

Leading her back towards the mansion, Raven's demeanor shifted seamlessly from the complexity of their shared dance to the practical care that defined his role as a bodyguard. The rain-soaked courtyard, witness to the nuances of their connection, faded into the background as the warmth of the mansion embraced them once more.

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