Chapter 33 Guardian's sidekick?

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The morning sun cast a warm glow on the breakfast table where Eve sat, her usual lively spirit subdued. Raven stood beside her, ever watchful. Sensing her unusual quietness, he gently asked, "Everything alright, Eve?"

Her thoughts, however, were entangled in the enigma of Raven's mention of a girlfriend the previous day. Unbeknownst to Raven, Eve's mind was a whirlwind of humorous confusion and a hint of unexpected jealousy. She had known Raven as the stoic bodyguard, but the notion of him having a girlfriend opened a new and perplexing door in her mind.

"What's it to you?" she snapped, the words escaping her lips before she could filter them. The abrupt response took Raven by surprise, his brows furrowing slightly.

Internally, Eve couldn't help but chuckle at her own overreaction. "Whoa, Eve, calm down. It's just a casual question," she thought, shaking off the strange mix of emotions swirling within her.

Raven, however, maintained his composed demeanor, not easily deterred. "I was just asking because you seem a bit off today."

The humor in Eve's internal monologue heightened. "Off? More like completely on another planet, courtesy of Raven's 'girlfriend' bombshell," she mused.

She took a deep breath, deciding to lighten the mood. "Sorry, Raven. Must be the morning blues. You know how it is."

Raven nodded, his concern easing into a subtle smile.

"So, Raven," she began, feigning casual curiosity, "tell me about your girlfriend. What's she like?"

Raven, seemed momentarily caught off guard. "Well," he started, "she's, uh, different. Not really into the whole bodyguard scene, you know? More of an independent spirit."

Eve's internal commentary chimed in with a playful smirk. "Oh, an independent spirit. How unique. Clearly the opposite of someone who has a bodyguard shadowing her every move."

Trying to extract more details, Eve probed further. "What does she do? Any exciting hobbies?"

Raven, perhaps unintentionally, painted a picture that seemed quite the opposite of Eve. "She's into things like hiking and exploring. Enjoys her solitude," he remarked.

Eve's internal monologue couldn't resist a chuckle. "Solitude? Hiking? Is he describing his girlfriend or a wilderness survivalist?"

Undeterred, Eve continued her playful interrogation. "And her favorite type of music? I'm guessing not the intense action movie soundtrack kind."

Raven pondered for a moment. "Yeah, she prefers more... soothing tunes. Something to unwind to after a day of, you know."

The playful banter added a new layer to their dynamic, leaving Eve with a lingering sense of amusement and curiosity about the depths of Raven's creativity in maintaining the facade.

Later that day, Eve found herself immersed in the quiet sanctuary of her library, surrounded by the comforting scent of old books and the soft rustle of pages. As she delved into the world of literature, she noticed a conspicuous absence - Raven was missing from his usual post, standing like a silent sentinel.

On the other side of the mansion, Raven had discreetly slipped away to make a call. With a sense of urgency, Raven instructed Jake to come over and retrieve the crucial recordings captured by the concealed microphone.

Eve decided to embark on a mission to find him within the expanse of the Dale mansion. As she roamed the halls, her internal monologue provided a hilarious soundtrack to her quest.

"Hmm, let's see. Where could Mr. Mysterious Bodyguard be hiding this time? Taking bets - important phone call, sneaky mission, or perhaps indulging in a secret passion for gourmet cooking? Nah, scratch that last one," she pondered, stifling a chuckle.

As she passed various rooms, she couldn't help but imagine scenarios playing out in her mind. "Maybe he's in the secret chamber plotting world domination with a cup of tea. Or, and here's a wild one, engaged in a heated debate with the mansion's resident ghost about the best detective novels."

Eve's imagination ran wild with each passing moment. "Ah, the infamous 'girlfriend call' - an essential part of Raven's daily routine, right up there with brooding and looking cool. I wonder if she has a name yet? Mysterious Mabel? Elusive Emily? Or perhaps, Enigmatic Evelyn," she teased herself with a grin.

Continuing her search, she mused, "If I had a penny for every time he mysteriously disappeared for a 'call,' I'd be as rich as Dad's business associates. Maybe he's practicing his dramatic exit for a spy movie audition. 'Sorry, darling, I have to save the world - again.'"

Eve's laughter echoed through the halls as her playful banter with herself reached its peak.

Eve, following the winding trails of the mansion's garden, eventually discovered Raven near the gates. Rather than calling out to him, she decided to play the role of an unintentional eavesdropper, silently sneaking closer to get a glimpse of the mysterious conversation unfolding.

As she approached, she found Raven engrossed in dialogue with a man. He sported a well-worn leather jacket, his dark hair slightly tousled, and an unmistakable air of someone acquainted with the grittier sides of life.

Eve, unable to contain her mischievous spirit any longer, decided to playfully intervene in Raven and Jake's conversation. With a sly grin, she called out, "Well, well, what do we have here? Mr. Noir, caught in the act of secret meetings and clandestine plots."

The sudden intrusion caused both Raven and Jake to startle, their attention abruptly shifting towards Eve. Raven, maintaining his composed exterior, shot her a bemused glance, while Jake, caught off guard, wore an expression of mild surprise.

Eve, relishing the playful moment, continued with a teasing tone, "Should I be worried? Are you two plotting to overthrow the Dale empire, or is this just another chapter in the thrilling saga of Raven's secret life?"

Raven, always quick on his feet, retorted with a smirk, "Miss Eve, you've caught us. We were just planning the most daring heist of the century - your favorite cookies from the kitchen."

Eve couldn't help but burst into laughter at their banter. "Well, in that case, count me in. I've always wanted to be part of a cookie heist. But next time, maybe let me in on the secret plot details, okay?"

Jake, momentarily awestruck by Eve's unexpected presence and undeterred by Raven's eye-rolling, decided to introduce himself with an air of exaggerated pride. With a theatrical flourish, he declared, "The one and only Jake, at your service, Miss Eve. Tech extraordinaire, confidant of the mysterious Raven here, and an unparalleled expert in all things electronic."

Eve, caught off guard by Jake's flamboyant introduction, couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Well, well, Mr. Jake, a pleasure to meet you. A tech extraordinaire, you say? Does that include fixing my Wi-Fi when it decides to play hide-and-seek?"

Jake, playing along with a twinkle in his eye, replied, "Absolutely, Miss Eve. I specialize in Wi-Fi negotiations and coaxing stubborn devices into cooperation. A true maestro of the technological symphony."

Eve, finding a kindred spirit in humor, grinned and retorted, "Fantastic! I've been in dire need of a Wi-Fi whisperer. Raven here has been utterly useless in that department."

Raven rolled his eyes at the banter between Jake and Eve. "Tech support isn't in my job description, Miss Eve," he deadpanned.

Raven, with his characteristic subtlety, cast a pointed glance at Jake, indicating that their impromptu gathering had reached its conclusion. Jake, catching the signal, decided to take his leave with a flourish.

"Well, Miss Eve, it's been an absolute delight, but duty calls. The digital realm awaits my expertise," he declared dramatically, offering a slight bow.

Eve, still amused by Jake's theatrical flair, chuckled and responded, "Until our paths cross again, Mr. Jake. May your Wi-Fi signals be strong and your devices forever cooperative."

As Jake and Eve exchanged a playful yet genuine goodbye, Raven, standing nearby, couldn't help but shake his head at the unexpected camaraderie that had unfolded. A subtle warmth lingered in his eyes.

With a final wave, Jake made his exit, leaving Eve and Raven alone in the garden once more.

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