Chapter 10: Not just a Guardian

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As Raven continued his meticulous surveillance, he couldn't help but observe the intricate dynamics within the Dale mansion. Eve, still resistant to the idea of a bodyguard, managed to test Raven's limits daily with her playful attempts to break his professional demeanor.

One afternoon, as Raven was discreetly reviewing the footage from the hidden cameras, he noticed an unusual gathering in the study room. Mr. Dale and some of his trustees were engaged in an intense discussion. Raven's detective instincts sharpened, sensing that this might be a key moment in unraveling the mysteries that surrounded the Dale family.

Choosing a strategic vantage point, Raven eavesdropped on the conversation, capturing snippets of hushed dialogues and heated exchanges.
But before he could have listened to more of it, he was called by a staff member to join them for lunch. To avoid any suspicion he obliged.

As the week progresses, Raven maintains his vigilant stance, blending into the mansion's surroundings. Meanwhile, Eve tries to subtly test the limits of her new bodyguard, occasionally seeking ways to break his composed demeanor. In a surprising turn, Raven finds himself amused by Eve's attempts, both enjoying the challenge and secretly admiring her resilience.

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