Chapter 38: Guardian's healer

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Raven arrived at the 'Stand Stronger - S2' news channel headquarters in his car. Upon entering the building, he approached the reception and inquired about Alex Finn, the head anchor. The receptionist directed him to the room where Alex was conducting Eve's interview.

Entering the room, Raven addressed them with a smirk, "So, I suppose the 'urgent midnight interview' went well?" he asked, his tone playful. Eve greeted him with a cheerful smile, and Alex responded warmly, "Well, it was my pleasure. Anything for you, Raven."

Concerned, Eve turned to Raven, asking, "Are you alright, though, Raven?" Calmly, he nodded and reassured her, "I am perfectly fine, Eve. We will talk further later at home. Let's go now; you wait for me outside the room."

Understanding, Eve left the room. Raven turned back to Alex, expressing his gratitude, "I can't thank you enough, Alex, for the favor." Alex replied sincerely, "Stop it, Raven. You know I would do anything for you, for your mission. Aria was important to me too. And I hope Bartlett was beautifully annoyed not finding Eve at home."

Raven chuckled, "To say he was furious would be an understatement." Stepping forward, he hugged Alex and said, "See you again, Alex. Take care."

"You too, take care, Raven. And take care of Eve too; she surely is precious. Plus, do tell her that her interview will be released two days later. She was really excited about it," Alex added as Raven nodded, smiling, and left the room.


As Raven and Eve drove back home, Eve couldn't help but notice the bruises covering Raven's body. She cast a concerned glance his way and asked, "Raven, what happened back there? You're hurt."

Raven, keeping his eyes on the road, offered a reassuring smile, "It's nothing, Eve. Just a few scratches. I've had worse."

Eve didn't seem convinced. She reached out and gently touched one of the bruises on his arm, her touch lingering for a moment. "You don't have to pretend with me, Raven. What really happened?"

Raven sighed, realizing he couldn't keep it from her. "It was a trap, as i already expected. But I promise, I'll be fine."

Eve looked at him with a mix of worry and determination, "We'll get through this together, Raven. You don't have to face everything alone."

Raven couldn't help but appreciate her genuine concern. He nodded, "Thanks, Eve. Let's focus on getting home for now. We can talk more there."


Raven and Eve reached the Dale mansion, and despite Raven's repeated refusals, Eve insisted on taking him to her room to tend to his bruises and injuries. She led him to a cozy space with dim lighting and a hint of lavender in the air.

Eve returned with the first aid kit, glancing nervously at Raven. "Uh, Raven, you might want to, um, remove your shirt so I can treat the bruises properly."

Raven raised an eyebrow, a subtle smirk playing on his lips. "Trying to take advantage of the situation, Ms. Dale?"

Eve blushed, flustered by his remark. "What? No! It's just... it's easier to treat the wounds without the shirt, you know."

Raven chuckled, "Relax, Eve. I'm just messing with you." He began unbuttoning his shirt, revealing a well-built physique adorned with various scars from past fights.

Eve asked, concern in her voice, "Did Bartlett do this to you?"

Raven shook his head, a half-smile playing on his lips. "No, it was one of his assassins, or I should say, Miss Assassin."

Eve raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Miss Assassin? Sounds like an intriguing character. Did a woman give you all these bruises?" She tried to hold back a laugh, finding the idea slightly amusing.

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