Chapter 47: The Crimson past

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The grandeur of Mr. Dale's study surrounds Eve as she enters, her curiosity pushing her to initiate a conversation with her father. Seated behind the ornate desk, Mr. Dale looks up as Eve casually begins, "Hey, Dad, What's on your mind?"

Mr. Dale, his gaze distant for a moment, exhales slowly before responding, "Actually, Eve, there's something important I've been meaning to discuss with you. It's.......It's about your mother's death."

Eve, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of the conversation, feels a sudden vulnerability. She takes a seat, her expression a mix of confusion and apprehension. "What about it?" she asks cautiously.

Mr. Dale, choosing his words carefully, begins to unravel the storm within him. "I've never spoken much about it, and perhaps I should have. Your mother's passing... it left wounds that time alone couldn't heal."

Eve, listening intently, senses the gravity of her father's emotions. Her usual confident demeanor softens, and she responds, "Dad, you can't blame yourself for everything. We all have our battles to face."

He hesitates for a moment, then says, "There were elements beyond my control, and I've been grappling with the consequences. It's time for you to know the full story."

Eve, manages to gather herself and utters, "If the past hurts, then you don't have to bring it up."

Mr. Dale looks at her with a mixture of regret and determination. "Today it is important, Eve. Today, I have very difficulty gathered the courage I lacked all these years to tell you this."

A wave of fear washes over Eve. She senses that whatever her father is about to reveal might be something her heart may struggle to handle.
Mr. Dale takes a deep breath and begins, "Your mother... she didn't die because of a car accident. She died," he hesitates, "because of me."

As if the ground has shifted beneath her, Eve reacts in shock, her voice trembling, "What are you saying, Dad? It's not possible."

Mr. Dale sighs, avoiding eye contact with Eve. "Eve, during that time, I used to be so busy with my projects, building the company along with Bartlett. That version of me isn't what you see today. I was the worst version of myself. All that mattered to me was greed, money, my company. I hardly gave any time to you or Sarah."

He continues, his words weighted with remorse, "You remember your 12th birthday, how excited you were. That day, Sarah was with me at a company meeting along with Bartlett. She wanted to leave early so that we could celebrate with you, but I... I was so engrossed in impressing the investors that I forgot to keep note of time. The rest, you know. We weren't with you on your special day. That day you had fought with her, and she would have never told you this, Eve, but that whole night she kept crying." As he mentions this, a sob escapes Eve's mouth. "The next day, as I was in my office, she came to meet me."


( T.w - argument and a bit physical abuse- slapping )

Sarah, with frustration bubbling within her, confronts Mr. Dale in his office. The air is tense, and the dim light accentuates the gravity of the conversation.

"Aiden, we can't keep doing this. We can't keep neglecting Eve," Sarah implores, her voice tinged with both anger and desperation. "She needs us, she needs her parents."

Mr. Dale, absorbed in his work, looks up with a hint of irritation. "Sarah, I'm handling crucial matters for the company. You know how important this is for all of us."

"Important for whom?" Sarah retorts, her frustration escalating into a raised voice. "Important for you and your precious company! But what about our daughter? When was the last time you were actually present for her? She's growing up without her father by her side."

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