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"Eve," he says softly, his voice carrying a sincerity that belies the pretense she accused him of, "whatever brought me here, it doesn't change the fact that I do care. More than I thought I could. It's not just about the mission anymore."

"Stop, Raven. Please stop here. I don't want to believe it. I know it's true, but I don't want to believe it because if I did, then I would take it as something it is not. My heart would just build bridges from it. And I know it won't mean to you what it has come to mean to me. I don't want to live in my delusion. So please don't," she pleads, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Taken aback, Raven moves forward, attempting to reassure her. "Eve, it's not like that. I too... I feel that I lo-"

Raven stops himself mid-sentence, his internal monologue echoing with self-doubt and hesitation. "What are you doing, Raven? You can't confess it. This isn't supposed to happen. You don't deserve her."

Eve, misinterpreting his hesitation, laughs bitterly, "It's alright, Raven. You don't need to show empathy or feel sorry for me. I know you love someone else. You have your girl-"

As Eve speaks, Raven clenches his jaw, a tumultuous battle waging within him. Unable to restrain himself any longer, he moves forward, holding her neck gently, and kisses her with a sudden intensity that shocks Eve. His frowning eyebrows reflect the internal conflict, but he can't deny the emotions welling up inside him.

Cupping Eve's face with one hand and pulling her closer from her waist with the other, Raven's kiss deepens with every resurfacing emotion. Initially taken aback, Eve finds herself surrendering to the intensity of the moment, kissing him back. The unspoken emotions that have lingered between them finally find expression in this unexpected and passionate embrace.

Raven, abruptly tearing away from the kiss, their foreheads still touching, breathless from the intensity of the moment, hoarsely murmurs, "We shouldn't..."

Eve, her voice soft and filled with emotion, utters a barely audible, "I love you."

Raven, looking at her with an indescribable intensity, softly asks, "Are you sure..... you want to?"

Eve answers his question not with words but with another kiss. This time, their lips meet with a tenderness that speaks of unspoken emotions and a shared understanding. As they kiss, the atmosphere becomes charged with a soft and gentle passion, Raven, fearing that he might harm her, expressing his affection with a newfound tenderness.

Eve softly slides her hand into Raven's hair, eliciting a low moan from him. He responds by pulling her even closer, if that was even possible.

With their lips parting, Raven and Eve keep their eyes closed, savoring the shared warmth and intimacy of the moment. A profound silence envelops them, as if time itself has slowed down. In this suspended space, Raven, with a heart full of emotions, begins to speak:

"Eve," he starts, his voice a gentle caress in the quiet night, "from the moment I walked into your life, it was all about a mission, a duty that I thought defined me. But, as time unfolded, I found myself unraveling in ways I never anticipated. I started caring, not just because it was part of the mission, but because it was you. Your laughter became the melody that could brighten the darkest days. Your strength became the anchor that held me steady in tumultuous waters."

His fingers trace a delicate path on her cheek as he continues, "I thought I could compartmentalize my feelings, convince myself that it was just duty. But every stolen glance, every shared moment, slowly chipped away at the walls I built around my heart. And then, tonight, in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, I couldn't deny it any longer."

Opening his eyes, Raven gazes into Eve's with a vulnerability he rarely exposes. "And I need you to know... there is no other girl. It was a lie, and I can't keep lying to you. The girl I love, the only one I've come to love, is you. I love you. Not because it's part of some mission or duty, but because you've become the heartbeat in the silence, the warmth in the cold, and the reason my world is no longer just a mission but a place where I find solace and love. I love you with a depth I never thought possible, and it scares me, yet I wouldn't have it any other way.

As Raven finishes his heartfelt confession, the night sky comes alive with a breathtaking display of fireworks. Colorful explosions paint the canvas of the heavens, each burst illuminating the darkness and casting a magical glow over Raven and Eve. The crackling sound of the firecrackers mirrors the symphony of emotions that echo in the hearts of the two, their silhouettes dancing against the dazzling backdrop.

Eve, with a radiant smile, gazes from the celestial spectacle to Raven and says, "Happy New Year, Raven."

Returning her smile, Raven replies, "Happy New Year, Ever."

They share a passionate hug, the warmth of their embrace intertwining with the cool night air. The world around them fades into the background as they hold each other, reveling in the shared moment of newfound love.

After a while, still in each other's arms, Eve chuckles, breaking the silence. "So, I guess Daniel was right about those 'magical New Year's kisses.'"

Raven scoffs playfully, "Can we please not talk about him and spoil the moment?"

Eve laughs, the sound harmonizing with the distant echoes of the last firecrackers. Their eyes meet once again, and with a playful smile, Eve asks, "So... what are we?"

Raven, smirks,
" 𝔸 𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕤 "

Raven, smirks," 𝔸 𝕞𝕖𝕤𝕤 "

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