Chapter 29 Gaurdian's lullaby

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In the darkness of night, Raven moved with the precision of a shadow, silently navigating the corridors of the Dale mansion. His steps were calculated, each footfall landing with meticulous grace, leaving no trace behind. Dressed in dark attire, he blended seamlessly into the obscurity of the night.

He reached Mr. Dale's study, where the secrets of the Dale family were rumored to be concealed. Raven, skillfully picked the lock, his nimble fingers moving with practiced expertise. The door creaked open ever so slightly, revealing the dimly lit room within.

Inside, Raven examined documents and files, scanning for any connections to the Velvet Scandal or potential threats against Eve. The soft glow of his flashlight danced over the papers, revealing snippets of information that added pieces to the intricate puzzle he sought to solve.

While Raven was making his rounds, he heard a muffled cry emanating from Eve's room. Alarmed, he hurriedly ascended the stairs and reached her door, calling out her name and knocking, only to find the door seemingly locked.

"Ms Dale! Are you okay?" Raven's voice carried concern as he continued to knock on the door, his worry mounting.

Inside the room, the shuffling sounds hinted at someone being present. After a tense moment, the door creaked open, revealing a bewildered and slightly disheveled Eve.

"What happened?" Raven asked, scanning the room for any signs of distress.

Eve, rubbing her eyes, yawned, "Oh, sorry, Raven. I was having a nightmare. Didn't mean to make a scene."

Raven, visibly relieved, softened his tone. "Nightmare, huh? Everything's okay now?"

Eve nodded, offering a tired smile. "Yeah, just a bad dream. Thanks for checking, though."

"You sure you're okay now?" Raven asked, his eyes narrowing slightly as he observed her.

"Yeah, just tired. You should go back to bed," Eve replied, attempting to brush off the topic.

Raven, undeterred, pressed on, "You weren't just having a nightmare, were you? Were you crying?"

Eve hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "Maybe a little. It was just a dream, Raven."

Raven's expression softened, "If you need to talk about it, I'm here."

Eve managed a half-smile, "Thanks, Raven. But seriously, get some sleep. We've got a day ahead of us."

Raven, with a determined gaze, stood his ground, meeting Eve's eyes directly. She, in a gesture of defeat, returned to her bed, silently inviting Raven to follow her inside.

Closing the door behind them, Raven took a seat on the couch, the room now enveloped in a hushed tension. The silence spoke volumes as they both navigated the unspoken territories of the night, where words often failed but the presence of understanding lingered.

After a prolonged silence, Raven broke the quietude. "What happened, Ms Dale? What did you see in your dream?"

Eve let out a sigh, her gaze fixed on a distant point as if trying to recall the details of a fading dream. With a shaky breath, she hesitated before speaking, "It was about my mom."

Raven, sensing the sensitivity of the topic, maintained a composed demeanor, encouraging her to continue. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Eve nodded, her fingers fidgeting with the edge of her blanket. "In the dream, she was here, but it felt like she was slipping away. No matter how hard I tried to reach her, she was gone. It was like losing her all over again."

Raven's expression softened, understanding the weight of the emotions Eve carried. "Dreams can be tough, especially when they bring back memories. Your mom meant a lot to you."

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