Chapter 18: Lost away

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As they entered the restaurant, the aroma of delicious dishes filled the air. Raven discreetly scanned the surroundings, ensuring a secure environment for Eve and Mara- the maid (eve's friend). The ambiance was lively, with soft music playing in the background and the chatter of diners creating a pleasant buzz. Mara, excited for her birthday celebration, shared laughter with Eve while perusing the menu.
As they sat in the restaurant, Eve noticed Raven being a bit distant, lost in his thoughts. She couldn't resist teasing him, "Hey, Guardian, what's on your mind?"
Raven, with a mysterious smile, replied, "Just making sure this celebration stays a happy memory."
Raven discreetly excused himself from the table as his phone buzzed with an unknown number. Stepping outside, he answered the call cautiously.
Raven, feeling a surge of tension upon hearing Aria's name, swiftly moved to a quieter spot to continue the call.

There unside the restraunt, Eve, noticing the forgotten wallet on a distant table, swiftly got up and followed the man to return it.
She chased after the swiftly walking man, calling out for him to stop. The bustling street echoed with her voice, but the man continued at a relentless pace.

Raven, engrossed in the mysterious call, remained oblivious to Eve's departure from the restaurant. The conversation on the phone held a cryptic tension, and as he navigated through the intricate details, he failed to notice the absence of Eve and the growing curiosity of Mara, who awaited their return.

As Eve ventured deeper into unfamiliar territory, the realization struck her - she had strayed quite far from the safety of the restaurant. The bustling cityscape and the anonymity of the crowded streets added to her nervousness. Clutching her purse tightly, she assessed her surroundings, unsure of the man's intentions and questioning her impulsive decision to follow him.

The man's deep and demanding voice cut through the ambient noise of the busy street as he held the gun discreetly, hidden from the prying eyes of the crowd. "Quietly, miss. Move towards the car and get in," he instructed Eve. The gravity of the situation intensified as Eve realized the seriousness of the encounter.

Eve, quick on her feet, pretended to comply with the man's demand. Just as he expected her to step into the car, she executed a swift and well-aimed kick to a particularly sensitive area. Seizing the opportunity, she sprinted away from him, making a beeline towards the safety of the restaurant.

As she raced back, Eve realized she had left her phone behind, and navigating through the bustling street in her high heels proved challenging. The urgency to contact Raven intensified, and she frantically looked for alternatives to ensure her safety.

Concern etched across his face, Raven quickly approached Mara. "Where is Eve? What happened?" he asked urgently, the worry palpable in his voice. The unexpected disappearance of Eve had triggered his protective instincts, and he needed to find her immediately.

she informed him that Eve had gone after the man to return his wallet and hadn't returned, a wave of worry swept over Raven. His mind immediately shifted into protective mode, realizing that Eve might be in potential danger.

Without a moment's hesitation, Raven sprinted out of the restaurant, scanning the surroundings in search of Eve. His focused eyes darted through the crowd

<<<T.W - assault scene >>>
While sprinting toward the restaurant, Eve was abruptly seized by the man and dragged into a narrow alleyway. She attempted to resist, but his robust and powerful physique granted him the advantage.
Extracting handcuffs from his pocket, he ensnared her wrists as though they were a noose, the frigid touch of the metal sending a shiver down Eve's spine as she struggled to hold back tears.
Despite her attempts to scream, he brandished his gun, delivering three to four forceful blows to her head, rendering her unconscious.

The man, relentless in his actions, drags her limp body towards his car parked nearby. With each step,
Eve's vulnerability becomes more apparent, as she remains unconscious and defenseless against the unfolding ordeal.
Inside the car, the man swiftly secures Eve across the back seat.
As he does so, the dim interior reveals the presence of other ominous figures-partners in crime-waiting patiently. Their cold eyes fixate on the unfolding abduction, displaying a disturbing cohesion in their criminal intent.

Raven who was sesrching for eve frantically, spotted a black car idling across the street. His eyes widened as he recognized the figures forcing eve inside.

Fueled by adrenaline, he hastily grabbed a nearby motorcycle and raced after the car that had taken Eve. The streets blurred as he expertly maneuvered through traffic, determination etched on his face. The engine roared beneath him as he closed the distance, his mind focused on reaching Eve before any harm befell her.

The city lights streaked past Raven as he weaved through traffic, the roar of the motorcycle's engine echoing his racing thoughts. Determination etched lines on his face, his eyes reflecting both concern and regret. Every twist and turn of the road intensified the urgency in his pursuit.

Regret lingered in his mind, a nagging thought that he might have missed a crucial moment. The motorcycle responded to his commands, the speed pushing its limits. Raven's focus remained unwavering, his eyes scanning the road for any sign of the car carrying Eve.

As he closed in, the car seemed to taunt him, just out of reach. The cityscape transformed into a blurry backdrop as adrenaline pulsed through his veins. Raven's thoughts raced alongside the wheels of the motorcycle, each second crucial in the race against time.

The screeching tires of Raven's motorcycle echoed as he maneuvered it to the driver's side of the car, gun pointed at the vehicle, demanding them to stop. The tension in the air was palpable, the city sounds drowned by the urgency of the moment. But before Raven could make a move, they callously threw Eve out from the backseat, leaving her sprawled on the pavement.

Raven's horror mirrored the desperation in his eyes as he braked sharply, leaping off his motorcycle to reach Eve's side. The echo of the car's engine faded into the distance, tauntingly escaping the grasp of justice.

Amidst the chaos, police sirens wailed in the background. Mara, realizing the gravity of the situation, had notified the authorities. Though the police joined the pursuit, the perpetrators managed to evade capture, leaving Raven kneeling beside Eve, a mixture of relief and anguish etched on his face.

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