Chapter 22 : Where's the Guardian

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After several days, Eve was discharged from the hospital and returned home.
As she observed Mr. Dale, now less anxious and visibly relieved by her improved health, she deemed it the opportune moment to engage in a conversation with him.

If it had been a few weeks earlier, she might have attempted to convey her stance, explaining how she didn't require a bodyguard invading her privacy and scrutinizing her less-than-perfectly-arranged life.
However, today held a distinct significance. Today, she aimed to discuss the same subject - the bodyguard - but with the intention of having him reinstate her annoying shadow, Raven.

Eve approached her father, finding a moment when the tension seemed to have eased. 'Dad,' she began cautiously, 'we need to talk about Raven.'

Mr. Dale looked at her with a mixture of concern and reluctance. 'Eve, I understand you've been through a lot, but I made a decision to ensure your safety.'

Eve nodded, acknowledging his concern. 'I know, and I appreciate that, but Raven... he wasn't just a bodyguard. He was more than that. I felt safer with him around, and I think he genuinely cared.'

Mr. Dale sighed, wrestling with his own conflicting emotions. 'Eve, I had to let him go. After what happened, I couldn't keep someone who failed to protect you.'

Eve's eyes reflected determination. 'Dad, it wasn't his fault. You can't blame him for what happened. Please, can you reconsider? I believe Raven is the right person to keep me safe.'

Mr. Dale couldn't help but be amused by Eve's unexpected request. He observed her with a raised eyebrow and a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Eve, a few weeks ago, you were passionately arguing against having a bodyguard. What changed your mind so suddenly?"

Eve, hesitant to respond due to her own surprise at the sudden change, replied, "Maybe... maybe it's not about the bodyguard, Dad. Perhaps it's about a person who has recently entered my life, seamlessly becoming a part of my everyday. Despite his stoic and composed bodyguard role, I can perceive a person with whom I can converse, not merely for the sake of business formality or public reputation, but for my own sake."

Mr. Dale crossed his arms, considering Eve's words. "I understand your perspective, but my decision to let Raven go was about accountability. I need to be sure that the person responsible for your safety can handle the job."

Eve persisted, "Dad, people make mistakes. I don't want to lose someone who has been more than just a bodyguard to me. Can't we give him another chance?"

The room fell into a thoughtful silence as Mr. Dale weighed his daughter's plea against his concerns for her safety.


Next morning, Eve descended the grand staircase, the residual sleep still lingering in her eyes.
However, as a figure materialized in front of her, surprise took hold, and she let out a scream.
"Who are you?" she asked, still alarmed.

In response to her question, Raven turned around with a smirk, replying, "Your bodyguard, Miss Dale."

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