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Aaron must admit, it had been the best week of his life. He had never been this happy and content ever in his 21 years of life. He was the happiest now.

Mr. and Mrs. Archer, or now his ma and papa, brought him to Destiny's house which was a duplex apartment.

His jaws had dropped at the sight of the lavish looking building, he couldn't believe it was his home now too.

They helped him settle down, showed him around and after clarifying that he was okay, they left him to be comfortable.

Yes, it was a little disappointing that his wife wasn't with him on their wedding night, but he constantly reminded himself to not be greedy like his parents.

He already got more than he asked for.

He chose to stay in the guest bedroom for now, not wanting to invade Destiny's privacy in her absence.

He lived alone, but it was the most relaxed he had ever been.

He had roof over his head, three meals a day, no over working till his hands blistered or legs hurt. No beatings or insults. Nothing to hurt him.

Lila and Kai often called to check on him, and each time he ended up crying in happiness.

He thanked God more often for giving him this newness of life.

But tonight was different. Destiny would return from China.

Lila had called earlier and informed him about her daughter's arrival. Aaron took the chance to ask about Destiny's likes and dislikes.

He found out she liked chicken parmesan and caesar salad. Especially if it was home made.

She also loved the color dark blue, loved stargazing and quietness. It angered her if someone disrupted her working time. And she also loved horror movies.

Knowing all this made Aaron feel a little bit closer to his wife, but he couldn't let his hopes up. That's all he'd ever know about Destiny, and all he'd ever be close to her.

To welcome the other, he had prepared her favorite food and bought a bouquet of blue roses.

He had some money saved from his part-time jobs, Kai also gifted him a credit card to use on his heart's desire. Though he tried not to use it much.

Aaron showered and freshly dressed, since Lila also told him how Destiny maintained cleanliness and liked to be neat all the time.

He waited anxiously in the living room, watching the door once in a while. He hoped she wouldn't react seeing him being comfortable in her home. Or feel like he was envading.

Unbeknowst to his own thoughts, Aaron's mind drifted off to a world where he'd have his wife's love and maybe, just maybe, they'd have a happily ever after.

His day dreams were cut short when the sound of keys jingling echoed throughout the silent apartment.

Aaron jumped on his feet, heart pounding in his chest as he wiped his sweaty hands on his pants.

Destiny's figure soon entered the house as she closed the door behind her and put the keys in the tray, removed her shoes and jacket and put them in their places.

Aaron held his breath as the other walked up to the living room and looked up, their eyes finally met.

He couldn't tell what the other was thinking, but he himself felt stupefied once again by her beauty.

"You're here." Destiny broke the awkward silence in monotone.

But didn't wait for the boy's reply as she made her way upstairs to her bedroom.

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