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Destiny frustratedly typed away on her laptop as a loud ringing kept echoing around her room at the enterprise.

"Ma'am, wouldn't you pick up the phone?" Sasha asked fearfully, not daring to raise her voice as Destiny already looked like she could kill someone now.

"No. It's fucking Roman. He won't leave me alone for fuck's sake." She seethed, jaws clenching as steam almost came out of her ears.

Suddenly the phone stopped and she sighed in relief untill a small ping was heard. She saw the notification on the laptop. An email.

She opened it and her heart sank, colors draining from her face.

There was a picture of Aaron's café where Aiden sat and Aaron was serving him with a smile.

Destiny balled her hand in a tight fist, knuckles turning white as she started seeing red.

"Get my car and get the men on stand by. Also, get the research team and dig out Roman's every possible dirt. He's going down by tonight." She ordered Sasha who nodded.

Destiny grabbed her coat and left her office in a hurry.

She sped drove to Aaron's café and bursted inside only to have several pair of eyes staring at her in shock.

She maybe looked like a mad woman.

"Aaron?!" She yelled, looking around frantically.

Jaden came out and smiled seeing who it was. "Destiny! Hey."

"Where's Aaron?" She asked.

Jaden frowned, confused seeing her so riled up. "He's in the back, working."

"I wan-" Before she could finish, Aaron came out from the back with an adorable frown, but it dissolved as soon as he spotted Destiny.

"Ottie?" He called, surprised and went close to her.

He shared a worried glance with Jaden who shrugged, not knowing what was the matter.

"What's wrong?" Aaron cupped her cheek adoringly.

Destiny exhaled a breath of relief and hugged him tightly, closing her eyes.

"Thank God you're safe."

Still a bit perplexed, Aaron hugged her back, gently carding his fingers through Destiny's hair to soothe her down.

"Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be? Are you okay?" Aaron asked after pulling away to hold her face again.

He stroked the anxious girl's cheeks with his thumbs.

"Y-yeah. Can you go home with me now?" She asked, taking his hands in her own.

Aaron glanced back at Jaden once more, then back at the clearly stressed woman, he nodded.

"Okay. I'll get my stuff and we can go."

Destiny sighed out in relief. Her foot tapped against the floor while Aaron fetched his jacket and backpack then returned to his wife's side.

She took his hand and without saying anything to Jaden, got them out of the café.

Aaron didn't ask her anything on the way. He knew better than to judge Destiny's actions. She wouldn't do anything irrational.

He waited till they reached home to ask, keeping his hands around Destiny's to keep her relaxed.

They spent the evening in tensed silence. Aaron found the girl still stressed as she called someone multipile times, looking angry as she spoke.

He served dinner while often glancing at her who looked like she was about to break a window.

After she was done talking on the fourth call, Aaron had had enough.

He went to her and took her phone out of her hands, turning it off and putting it away.

"Aaron." Destiny sighed but didn't protest.

Aaron took her hands and rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles. Destiny had always soothed and comforted him, and now it was his turn.

He'd do anything to provide his beloved comfort.

"Talk to me. What's the matter?"

Destiny exhaled sharply and flopped down on the couch, Aaron following next to her, kissing her cheek.

"My rival, Roman." She began, eyes staring ahead. "He wants a deal with me but it's illegal so I won't cooperate. Now he's visiting your café. I- uhm I dunno."

Destiny unintentionally tugged at her hair in frustration. Aaron gently pried her hand away from her hair, tracing patterns on her palm.

"I'm sure he's just scaring you. He won't do shit. If he was capable, he won't have wasted time on threatning."

Destiny laughed lightly, bringing Aaron's hand up to kiss the back of it.

"Can't you hand him to police or something?" He asked.

Destiny nibbled her lip a bit before replying. "I'm handling it. Just wait till Sasha manages to dig out some dirt on that dirt, and he'll go down."

Aaron smiled and kissed her shoulder in a comforting manner. "I'm sure you can take care of any filth. My wife's the best."

His words brought a huge smile to her face and without warning, she tackled him to the couch with a bruising kiss.

Taken aback by the force of the kiss, Aaron gasped and Destiny took the chance to manuever her tongue in his mouth, not giving him a chance to compose as she dominated the warm cavern.

Eventually soft moans rippled out of the boy as he wrapped his legs around his lady's waist and his arms around her neck, pulling her impossibly closer as he let her rein his mouth.

Destiny smirked. She supported herself on one arm on the couch and used her other hand to wander down her lover's petite body, feeling the new addition of meat and muscle on his chest.

Her calloused fingers pried the buttons open and she shamelessly groped his chest and curves, earning delicious sounds to slip direct down her throat as she swallowed it all.

Aaron buckled his hips from the cold touch sending shivers of pleasure down his spine, breaths turning into pants as his love sucked on his lips.

His shirt eventually was pulled off his shoulders as the sinful pair of lips now were attached to his neck, slowly going down his collarbone and chest.

He panted fast and gripped the long, brown hair tight in his fist, squeezing his legs around her waist as Destiny flicked her tongue over his hardened nipple.

"Ah." He gasped some more, eyes heavily falling shut, he felt his pants being pulled down and couldn't help but moan as the coldness of the apartment nipped at his exposed skin.

"R-room." He sputtered between moans. "Let's g-go-"

Destiny smirked and brought her face back up to his face, licking the corner of his lips where a single trail of saliva dripped down. The action left the boy soughting for more.

"This couch's huge enough for me to take you, sweetheart." She husked near his ear, nipping at his earlobe then licking over the shell, her hands had already removed last of his clothes.

Aaron's teeth sunk in his lower lip as he pulled at her shoulder, wanting to take her shirt off.

Smirking, Destiny sat up and unbuttoned her shirt, discarding it on the floor before getting up and removing her slacks as well.

Aaron's eyes darkened around the blue orbs as they raked the girl from top to bottom, licking his swollen lips.

Destiny ran a hand through his messed up hair.

Gripping the ends of his hair, she tilted his head back and leaned down to capture his mouth with her own, celebrating another night of their love.


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