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One more day to go and Destiny would return home to her husband.

She couldn't wait. Her heart felt heavy and unsettled, as if she could sense something was wrong.

But what?

Also there was this matter, Aaron hadn't picked up her calls from last night.

She tried several times then gave up thinking he might have fallen asleep.

She tried again in the morning but the ringing kept going on, without any answer.

She anxiously called her mother and Jaden. They both said Aaron was okay and visited the café like usual.

Then why didn't he pick up her call?

"Jaden, please let me know if you sense anything wrong. Anything at all."

"I will, Destiny. I think he just misses you, that's why he's avoiding hearing your voice. To not get upset. Just come back and meet him." He assured.

Destiny nodded, hoping it was actually the case and nothing had happened. She hoped she hadn't done anything to upset the boy.

After the final meeting of the deal was done, Destiny ran to the hotel and packed her stuff.

She booked the earliest flight home and got to the airport as fast as possible.

"Here's your passport and ticket, ma'am." Sasha handed her the necessary stuff.

Destiny nodded and took them, heading straight to the plane. Her private jet was under technical check-up, otherwise she would've reached home sooner.

She just couldn't wait to get home to her love.


Aaron missed Destiny desperately.

He cried every night, holding her pillow in his arms and absorbing her scent from it. But it still wasn't enough.

His parents' little visit broke him from within, made him miserable and he prayed for Destiny to be here soon.

He just couldn't pick up her calls knowing he'd break down if he heard her voice.

He put on make-up before going to the café so no one would notice his bruised lip or cheek.

He'd wear turtle necks to avoid his chest being exposed. A huge purple gash had formed where David hit him with his belt.

Drowned in his miserable state, he forgot Destiny would be coming tonight.

Returning home as usual, he took a shower and sat down on the bed, shirtless.

Opening the drawer, he pulled out the ointment and started applying some on his chest. He winced as it still hurt. Since he wasn't that healthy, the cut went deep, it was taking too long to heal.

Too busy in his own thoughts, he didn't even hear the door knob jingling or opening.

Aaron closed the lid of the ointment tube and put it inside the drawer.

When he got up off the bed to leave the room, he gasped.

There at the doorway was standing none other than his love.

His eyes widened, throat clogging up, preventing him from forming any word.

Destiny's eyes were trained on his chest.

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