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Around 4 pm, Destiny was done with her work for the day.

She was happy to be done so early, maybe she could spend the time with Aaron. Maybe they could take a step forward in their relationship.

She still hadn't asked her husband on a date.

Destiny knew their relationship had bloomed into something more.

Her feelings weren't only guilt and out of care anymore. She felt something stronger for the boy.

Something undescribable.

Before leaving, Destiny suddenly had another lingering thought. She barely knew about Aaron, and there was only one way she could learn more about her husband.

So, she opened the cursed mail again, despite feeling anger and frustration while reading it, she rechecked Aaron's bio data to point out stuff about him.

Destiny thoroughly read through the mail when suddenly her eyes fell on Aaron's birth date and her eyes widened like saucers, heart dropping into her stomach.

It was Aaron's birthday!


Destiny leaned back in her chair and steepled her hands under her chin, shuffling through her mind.

How could she had not known about this?

Was it why Aaron was crying in the morning? Because she forgot it? Or something bad was attached to his birthday?

Of course something must have happened at his foster home.

Destiny felt so damn bad.

She should've known this as his wife. Aaron had sweetly remembered her favorite pie and baked it for her every day, and in return, she forgot his birthday.

She must do something.

Something to make up for her mistake and make today one of the most memorable days of his life.

Maybe this could also be the day where they'd take the next step in their relationship.


Aaron as usual left his café after bidding the workers goodbye. No one knew about his birthday, so it was normal they didn't wish him.

He was just happy that he spent the day surrounded by his loved ones.

It was enough, since at the Brown household, he'd have to work like a dog and get beaten if not done properly.

It was actually his most favorite birthday so far.

While leaving for his home, his phone started ringing. He pulled it out and saw Lila's name flashing across the screen.

A smile took over his face as he picked it up.

"Hey, mama."

"Hey, love. Happy birthday."

Aaron's heart jumped with joy hearing the first ever wish of his life after his birth mother.

His eyes immediately filled with tears and he couldn't stop a sniffle from coming out.

"What happened, love? Are you okay? Did something happen?" Lila asked worriedly, and he felt like crying more.

"N-no, mama. I- it- thank you so much." He choked out, grinning stupidly. "I'm so glad you know it."

A light laugh could be heard on the other side.

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