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It exactly felt like what Aaron had read in stories and heard from others.

His first ever kiss.

A whole damn zoo floated in his stomach and blood rushed all over his body, not to speak about his heart, it was short circuiting.

Destiny's lips were chapped but tasted just like her scent. Lavender and a bit of alchohol like, they fit perfectly against his and he knew he'd never get enough of them.

Destiny's hands wrapped themselves around Aaron's slim waist as she pulled his small frame closer, kissing him intensely.

Aaron's lips were soft and plump, they tasted like cherries.

Once started, Destiny couldn't stop kissing him. She felt Aaron's hands going through her hair, and a light tug at the end of her hair caused the older girl to nibble on his lips.

Letting out a soft gasp, Aaron opened his mouth and Destiny slided her tongue inside.

Their tongues rubbed along and both of them gripped the other tightly, as if to not let ever go.

Their lips moved desperately, but there was love.

Unfortunately, they had to breath so they pulled away but leaned their foreheads together, panting lightly.

Destiny had a smirk on her face while Aaron looked flushed and shy, eyes sparkling like the stars and Destiny could happily drown in their glitter.

"I love you, Ottie." Aaron blurted out his confession without thinking for a second.

His confession made both of them widen their eyes.

Aaron's heart dropped and he pulled himself away from Destiny's embrace. His hands clenching and unclenching in nervousness.

The more Destiny remained silent, Aaron felt his mind spiraling. Heart pounding against his ears and chest feeling heavy.

How could I just slip like that? How could I ruin something so beautiful? Dad and mom were right, I am pathetic and useless, I always ruin everything. I shouldn't have said that.

She hates me now. She will kick me out. She will-

"Aaron!" Destiny grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard.

Aaron's head snapped up at the other, and he noticed how fast and hard he was breathing. It almost sounded like he was wheezing.

Destiny noticed the symptoms of a panic attack and didn't delay in pulling the smaller boy in her arms, hugging him tightly.

She rubbed his back up and down and softly whispered in his ear.

"Calm down. It's okay, it's okay. We're fine, love. Everything's okay. Breathe, breathe."

Aaron clung onto the back of her shirt and followed her tone of voice, slowly calming down.

When his breathing evened out, he felt the chill of the night making him shiver.

Of course, his wife noticed the chill, she hugged Aaron tight and brought her hands down to his thighs and lifted him up.

Aaron was surprised by the movement but felt too exhausted from his panic attack to react.

He held onto the girl as the latter carried him back downstairs to their apartment.

She carried him to the living room and sat down on the couch with Aaron on her lap.

Aaron refused to pull away when Destiny tried, too embarrassed to face her.

He felt like if he faced her now, the bubble of happiness would disappear and he'd be once again just a husband on papers.

"Aaron, look at me. Come on. Please."

Destiny tried again and pulled him at arm's length to see the reddish eyes downcasted.

She cupped his face and pulled it up so their eyes could meet. She made sure the panicked boy was breathing evenly then began speaking.

Her tone softest than ever, and eyes uttering more than her words.

"Do you actually love me? After how I treated you till now."

Aaron could see the guilt and regret in the warm hazel eyes, a tingle ran up his arm and he felt hypnotized by those crescent shaped eyes.

He knew Destiny was asking to make sure that she heard it right not because she didn't want to hear it again.

He mustered his courage. It was now or never.

Even if Destiny didn't return his love, he'd at least be happy having released his suppressed emotions.

Nodding, Aaron said, "I do. I'm sorry for saying it out of the blue. It's really fine if you don't love me back. You don't have to feel burdened by it. I can suck it up and be like before. I swear I-"

Destiny cut the boy's rambling off with a hard kiss on his lips.

Aaron's words got muffled but he soon melted in it. Before he could kiss back though, Destiny pulled away and softly smiled at him. Her thumbs stroking over Aaron's soft cheeks.

"I love you too, you idiot." She finally uttered the words Aaron thought he'd never hear.

His eyes widened and breath stopped.

"I know we haven't started this relationship like any actual marriage, but I really fell for you, baby.

Your smile, your eyes, your laugh, your habit of always eating chocolates, your cooking, your rambles, the mole on your chin. Everything. I have fallen for everything related to you."

Aaron's eyes pooled with tears, these ones were tears of happiness, disbelief yet full of hope and dreams.

He could hear his heart drumming against his ribs and he still hadn't realized that he was holding his breath.

"Breathe, baby." Destiny chuckled and Aaron released his breath, collapsing against the other's chest. "I love you so much." Destiny repeated.

Aaron started sobbing his heart out, clinging onto her shirt as he felt all the weight being lifted off his shoulders.

He was finally loved. Finally someone cared about him. It felt surreal.

"Shh, it's okay. Slow your breathing, baby. We're okay." Destiny stroked his hair and rubbed his back, subtly wiping the corner of her own eyes.

It pained her heart to hear such heart breaking sobs coming out of the person she loved so much.

Aaron finally calmed down several minutes later.

Staying on her chest, Aaron mumbled his words out, his hand still holding Destiny's shirt.

"Thank you for loving me. I, too, love you so much."

Destiny cupped his face and stared in his eyes, softly smiling she kissed his forehead.

"You deserve all the love in the world. Thank you too, for coming in my life."

"Well, I guess my parents deserve that one." Aaron said and they both laughed at that.

"Come on, no crying no more. I hate seeing you cry. I only want to see smile on my husband's face." Destiny said and wiped away his face while Aaron did the same to her.

Both of them couldn't stop their smiles.

"I'm sorry for ruining your surprise."

Aaron bit his lip in guilt. Destiny pulled his lip away from being attacked by his teeth, and kissed him briefly.

"We still have half an hour left. I'll bring the cake down here."

"I'll come with you!"

"No. You already went there without any jacket. You'll catch cold, baby. I'll get it, you make some coffee." She said and got up, Aaron sliding off her lap.


Aaron's face heated up hearing all the pet names from his now lover.

It felt so amazing to have someone be this much endearing to him.


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