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It was dark around when Aaron woke up to find himself once again on Destiny's big, fluffy bed.

He sighed and laid there with his eyes fixated at the ceiling.

"Hey." Destiny's soft voice lured his gaze to the doorway to see the appearing figure. "How are you feeling?" She came close and sat next to him.

Aaron sat up, still refusing any help from the older.

"Fine. I'll go to my room." He said and tried to get out of the bed but Destiny grabbed his hands and stopped him from going.

She held his hands in her own and stared intensely in his eyes.

Aaron felt nervous under her scrutinizing gaze but stayed locked on spot.

"Aaron, I'm not pitying you." She began, her voice strong and unwavering. "Yes, I do feel sorry for what happened, but this doesn't mean I'm doing all of this for mere pity.

I don't know how and when this happened, but I do care about you."

Shocked eyes froze as Aaron couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, Aaron. I do. And I really want to give being married a shot. Only if you want. I don't want to lose you without even giving us a chance."

They both went silent after that.

Aaron couldn't find the right words to reply and Destiny had sputtered everything she had to say.

She still held Aaron's hands.

"Please say something." She pleaded and Aaron could see how much she wanted this.

It was evident in her narrow, crescent moon shaped eyes.

Aaron thought over her words and sighed.

Giving a chance wouldn't hurt, right? It was no wrong to try. Maybe something good would come out of this.

He nodded. Not saying anything. But that was enough for Destiny, for now.

"Thank you. I promise, Aaron, I'm not forcing myself. I really want this."

Aaron felt as if he was dreaming.

Destiny being so soft and expressive with him, it was something he longed for and thought would never have.

His heart shamelessly fluttered.

"Alright. I want to give us a try too."

Destiny squeezed his hands, loving how soft they were then let them go and sat with a smile.

"Let tomorrow be our first day together."

Aaron's heart jumped in his throat and a shy smile graced his lips.

Destiny could just kiss the air out of his lungs at this point.

"But before all of that, I want you to stay here for the next week. So, I can take better care of you."

If possible, Aaron blushed even more, heart racing against time.

Was it all actually happening to him?


"Here it is. Let me know how you like it."

Destiny said while putting a bowl of steaming soup in front of the boy.

Aaron's eyes widened.

He still couldn't believe he was getting this kind of treatment from his wife.

All his life, he had never recevied such treatment from anyone.

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