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Destiny was up before Aaron and changed her clothes before going downstairs.

She found the other still sleeping while hugging himself from the cold.

A sudden pang of guilt hit the girl. She should've covered him with a blanket last night, she thought but didn't want to soften for some stranger.

She knew love was nothing like those in novels and movies.

Love meant deception and betrayal. Love meant lies and mischief. She had no place for love in her heart.

Not anymore.

While opening the fridge, her eyes fell on the bouquet of flowers and her heart flipped a little.

Getting the milk out, she set on cereal for today. She had an early meeting but it was from home.

Destiny often worked from home, in her personal home office. While using a spoon to eat, the sounds of utensils clanking made Aaron jump up, startled.

Destiny noticed how fast he was breathing and looking around with frantic eyes. She didn't think much of it and resumed eating her breakfast while scrolling on her phone.

Aaron eventually got up and neatly re-arranged the pillows on the couch.

"Good morning." He politely greeted the other being.

Destiny must say his voice was too soft for a guy.

She didn't reply and kept her eyes on her phone. Aaron expected as much and went to his room.

He changed his clothes and washed his face and brushed his teeth. He cleaned his room and stuff then went to the kitchen to find Destiny nowhere.

He sighed sadly and made himself some toast and scrambled eggs, poured a glass of orange juice.

He ate by himself. Till now it didn't matter and he was happy to be free, but now that Destiny was back and the situation of being married hit him, he started wanting more without his own realization.

The whole day went by but Aaron didn't see Destiny once. He kept walking by her office and heard her talking, but didn't dare disturb her. He felt utterly bored and didn't know what to do.

He used to work at a café before, where he had met Kai for the first time, but his father forced him to resign before marrying him off.

Now, he had nothing to do except roam the parks or streets, or just laze around at home.

He wished he could talk to his wife and get to know her more. He wished Destiny would look at him and talk to him, or at least acknowledge his presence.

With a heavy heart, Aaron went to sleep that night.


Kai and Lila were over at their house for dinner. It's been two weeks since Destiny has returned.

Unfortunately, nothing has changed between the two.

Destiny still refused to look at Aaron if not emergency, barely replied to him with more than two words.

After a few days, Aaron stopped trying to talk or ask anything, he stopped even showing up whenever the other was around.

He felt lonelier than he had ever felt. It was like life gave him a chance yet snatched something away from him.

"Aaron, we have a surprise for you." Kai said with beaming eyes. He looked up from his plate, confused. "We know how boring it must feel being home all the time." Kai added.

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