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"Hey, son."

David gave him a filthy smirk and pulled him in a hug.

Aaron remained frozen, hating the arms that were wrapped way too tightly around him, causing him struggle to breathe.

"How are you, darling?" Laura asked, batting her fake lashes sweetly.

"G-good. Why a-are you here?" He asked.

David's face visibly changed, an angry expression taking over.

"Is this how you greet your parents? You still haven't learnt anything, boy."

They shoved past Aaron and entered inside. Aaron purposely let the door unlocked but closed, in case he needed to run away.

He followed them to the living room where the couple had made themselves comfortable on the couch.

"Nice home you got. Lucky bastard." David murmured. "I hope you're giving Destiny a better service."

"I'm her husband. Not slave." Aaron gritted out, hands balled in fists.

David and Laura shared a glance before bursting out in laughter.

"Stupid boy, always dreaming more than his worth." Laura remarked and got up to walk close to him.

He stayed still on spot, not moving. He didn't want to back up at this point. He wanted to be confident.

Maybe he got this sudden boost of confidence from Destiny's love.

Laura grabbed his cheeks in one hand forcefully, glaring right in his eyes while speaking.

"Listen boy, no matter where you are, don't ever forget you're worthless. You'll never be something more to anyone than just a slave. You're n-"

"No!" Aaron intervened with a bit raised voice, making both of his parents raise their brows in a challenging way.

"I'm not worthless! Destiny loves me. Kai and Lila love me! You're both-"

A harsh slap to his face caused the boy to stop and fall down on the floor from the sudden force of it.

Aaron held his stinging cheek and looked up at the woman with red, tear filled eyes.

She crouched to his level and grabbed a fistful of his hair, tilting his head backwards so she could get closer to his defiant face.

"Not. One. More. Word." She sneered, her eyes speaking venom.

"Now you're gonna be a silent good boy and do as told. Or else, you'll see how worthy you are."

Aaron fearfully looked over her shoulder to see his father had taken out a file of papers and also, his belt.

He gulped hard. Suddenly feeling all air being sucked out of his lungs.

He desperately hoped Destiny was here.

Laura dragged him, still on the floor, towards the table before the couch, by gripping his hair.

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