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It was a sight Destiny didn't want to ever see in her life.

It broke her once non-existent heart.

"Come on, baby. Don't be like this."

Destiny walked over to her husband and pulled him close by wrapping her hands around his slender hips.

In response, Aaron brought his hands up to play with the buttons of her blouse.

"I hate to see you sad. Please, don't cry."

Aaron sniffled, not being able to stop himself from crying so he bit his lip to somehow resist.

Destiny brought one of her hands up to cup his cheek, wiping away a runny snot from down his nose.

Which caused Aaron to make a face with a low chuckle.

"Eww! Why would you do that?!"

He quickly wiped Destiny's thumb with his sleeve and then wiped his own nose, cheeks red from embarrassment.

Softly laughing, Destiny pulled him closer if possible, leaning down to lightly rub their noses together then planting a tender kiss on the tip of Aaron's nose.

"I love everything related to you. Even your snot." She professed and Aaron playfully hit her shoulder, embarrassed beyond.

"You sap. Stop it." He giggled.

They stayed silent for the next few seconds, just reveling in the comfort of being in the other's arms.

Aaron played with a strand of Destiny's let loose long hair unconsciously while the older circled her thumb on the exposed skin of Aaron's hips.

"How long will you be gone?"

A tiny voice asked. Eyes refusing to meet in fear of breaking down.

It hurt Destiny to reply but she had to lay out the truth. "Two weeks."

The face Aaron made after that tore apart her heart. She contained her own tears and pulled Aaron in a tight hug. Tighter than ever. Afraid he'd disappear if she let go.

"It'll pass like a wind, I promise. I'll call everyday. Hm? Don't cry, please. You're breaking my heart."

Aaron couldn't hold back his tears.

All his life went without an ounce of love or care, and finally when he found the love he never knew would mean this much to him, he hated the idea of being apart.

It was like he'd have to go back to being the lonely, depressive soul he once was.

No matter what, he couldn't grasp onto the fact that he'd have to stay apart from Destiny, the person who had given him world of love in the span of a month, for two weeks.

It was messing with his head.

What if after going there Destiny realized she didn't need him anymore, or that she was happy alone?

What if Destiny thought he was in the way of her work life, and left him for good?

Abandoned him? Hated him and started abusing him like when his parents found him useless?

Aaron started to spiral before he could stop himself and his breathing picked up.

He was sweating and gripped Destiny's shirt tightly, raggedly inhaling and exhaling.

Noticing his demeanor, Destiny quickly pulled him away from the hug.

Her eyes widened in concern when she realized Aaron was having another panic attack.

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