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Aaron unlocked the car and turned the light on, poking his head inside to search for his phone.

Suddenly he felt a presence behind him and abruptly turned around. But there was no one there.

Bad kind of goosebumps rose over his body and he hurriedly searched for his phone, finally spotted it by the backseats. He fetched it off the floor and turned the lights off. He locked the car and turned to head for the villa when he felt something sharp piercing his neck.

He whipped around, but once again there was no one. Only the darkness of the night mocking his face. He rubbed a hand over his neck where it stung, still walking by the stoned pathway.

He picked up his pace and reached the door, quickly getting inside the closing it behind him.

Leaning his back against the door, he breathed heavily and blinked a couple times to get rid off the blurred vision, he was really nerved by the unknown from earlier.

A couple minutes later, he heard footsteps and soon Destiny appeared at the end of the staircase, in nothing but bra and panties.

Their eyes locked and Destiny immediately could sense something was wrong.

Aaron looked pale and sweatbeads covered his forehead, he was slightly panting. Destiny quickly stepped down and rushed over to the boy, guiding him towards the couch to sit down.

"What happened? What's wrong, Aaron?" She asked.

Aaron swallowed dryly. "Water."

Nodding, Destiny grabbed a glass off the coffee table and held it near his lips. Aaron's hands shook as he sipped from the glass and finished half of it.

"Baby, talk to me. What's wrong?" She asked again, worry creeping up her chest.

"N-nothing. I just got scared. It felt like someone was there." He finally replied, breathing steadily.

Destiny's brows furrowed as she nodded solemnly. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

Aaron nodded and let her guide him up to the prepared bath. Both of them remained quiet the whole time. Destiny cleaned him and rinsed out the soap and shampoo, she noticed a small red dot on his neck but thought nothing of it.

After they were both cleaned enough, Destiny wiped both of their bodies and Aaron went to the closet to get his nightwear, Destiny following behind.

She tucked him in, kissing his forehead and making sure he didn't have fever or anything.

She was about to stand up from crouching down before him when the boy grabbed her wrist.

"Don't leave, please." His voice sounded so vulnerable and meek, it broke the brunette's heart and she suddenly felt so lost.

"I'm right here, baby. I'll just make a call and be quick to you. Okay? I'm always here." She assured, planting another kiss on his head before quietly making her way to the balcony.

She dialed Kayde's number, the man picked up after the second ring.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Kayde, I need you search around the area and try to find if there was anything suspicious, if anyone weird entered the property. Keep the guards on alert, and we're leaving by tomorrow evening."

"Yes, ma'am."

Hanging up the call, Destiny held the cylindar of the rails and tightened her grip, exhaling wisps of breath into the cold night air.

She felt a weird ache in her heart, as if it knew something was gonna go wrong. As if something auspicious lingered around their happiness, and it made her feel unsettled.

Destiny glanced back at the sleeping figure of her husband and tried to shake the awful thoughts away. She closed the door to the balcony and went to their bed.

She climbed on her side and pulled the blanket over her body, she stretched her arms and pulled Aaron closer towards her chest, spooning him from behind.

Aaron hummed and slightly shivered, nuzzling himself back at the girl and Destiny smiled.

She nuzzled the back of his neck and frowned when she realized his skin felt warmer than earlier and she could even spot a few more red dots over the neck, almost like rashes or mosquito bites.

"Aaron? Baby, are you okay?" She asked tentatively, stroking his hair.

Aaron hummed, turning in her hold and pressing his face in her chest. His arms cocooning around her waist.

It didn't bother her much when Aaron didn't respond, he was exhausted. He needed the rest.

Destiny pushed down her worrying thoughts and held him tighter, leaving another kiss on the top of his light brown hair before slowly falling asleep to the steady beating of his heart.


Chirping of the birds and warm morning light broke the peaceful slumber of the CEO and she blindly spread her arms, to have a touch of her love.

But the other side of the bed was empty and it felt cold to the touch. As if the other had been up for much longer.

"Aaron?" She called groggily, getting up from the bed.

Her calling was answered by retching sounds coming from the attached washroom and she sprinted there.

Aaron was hovering over the toilet bowl, throwing up and heaving, his body was trembling and Destiny could see he was drenched in sweat.

"Aaron!" She knelt behind him, rubbing his back up and down while placing her hand on his forehead, he was burning up.

Aaron had already emptied last night's content and only dry heaved, face pale and white as ghost.

Destiny's stomach churned as she watched in horror, the toilet bowl filled with blood.

Aaron was throwing up blood.

"Sasha! Kayde!" She yelled, there were systems in the villa if she called ever, they'd get the message in the back house.

"Aaron, baby, hold on. We're gonna get you to the hospital. You'll be okay, hang on, baby." She shakily assured while her own heart was splitting in two.

Aaron fell back against her chest, panting and shaking, Destiny noticed the haze in his eyes as if he couldn't focus or even listen to what she was saying.

Fear overcame her whole being as she picked him up and dashed out of the washroom.

She met Kayde and Sasha in the middle and their eyes widened at the sight of the almost unconscious boy in her arms.

Kayde didn't need to be asked twice as he ran to the get the car while Sasha followed Destiny to the backseat.

Destiny was trembling herself. Her mind blank and she couldn't do anything but hold Aaron close to her chest.

Sasha, on the other hand, held her ground and kept putting a soaked washclothe to Aaron's head the whole way to the hospital, assuring Destiny with comforting words but she was too gone in worry to pay any heed to her words.

Destiny just needed her husband to be okay.


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