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Destiny softly smiled at the sleeping boy.

They went home and she, as carefully as possible to not wake the other up, carried the smaller boy to her own room.

It was surprising to her, but for some reason, she wanted to keep Aaron close and look after him till he was all better.

She'd of course make sure the younger had taken his medication on time.

Was it purely guilt?

The need she felt to take care of the other. To make sure he was alright. Or was it something else?

Destiny didn't let the intruding thoughts linger and focused on Aaron.

She tucked him in with a blanket and checked his temperature. His skin was much less warmer now.

She sighed in relief and went downstairs to prepare something light for him to eat before medication.

While she was preparing chicken soup, she heard a soft thud and some shuffling coming from upstairs.

Turning the stove off, she went to her room to find Aaron sitting on the floor, tangled in the blanket.

Destiny almost cooed at how adorable the boy looked but stifled it.

"What happened?" She asked while helping the other up to sit on the bed.

Aaron pouted, some hair fell over his face and Destiny suddenly had the urge to squish his cheeks and kiss those plump lips.

Her heart skipped a beat at the sudden urge and she vigorously shook it away.

"I wanted to leave but my foot got caught." He mumbled still pouting.

Destiny gulped as her eyes flickered to those pink, kissable lips.

She found her mind wandering off to questions like, how would it feel to have them on mine? How would he taste?

"I want to go to my room." She was snapped back to reality by a determined tone. "I don't want you to keep seeing my sulking face." That hurt.

Destiny swallowed the guilt that burned her throat and ran a hand through her hair awkwardly.

She smacked her lips and scanned around the room before looking back at the boy with delicious lips.

"I'm sorry." She spoke the only words that's been in her head for the last few days. "I shouldn't have said that. It was me being an asshat. I'm really sorry for what I said."

Aaron slowly peeked through his lashes and his heart skipped a beat when he noticed the sincere and genuine guilt and apology in the glinting hazel eyes of the other.

He fiddled with his fingers, eyes once again downcasted at his lap.

He honestly didn't know what to say in reply, his chest still hurt thinking about those words.

But they were just words, right? He had heard and endured worse in his life.

Then why did these words matter so much?

"It's okay, I understand. It's not easy to just marry anyone without your consent and be good to them. I guess I overdid myself."

Destiny shook her head.

"It's not that. I just- uhm- I just couldn't accept being nice to someone and get hurt again."

Aaron looked up at that, his big eyes curious and questioning.

He didn't dare ask what happened but his eyes asked it, and Destiny felt a wave of thrill overflow her as she could literally read the boy through his eyes.

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