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Chapter 1

-Grian's POV-

He woke up laying on some grass. That was normal, he slept outside all the time. But this was not his base he realized with a start. If this wasn't his base then where was he? Getting up off the ground he looked around more carefully and saw a big crater. 'Well something here seems to have gone very wrong.' He thought getting out his wings to get an aerial view.

Before he got really high up he had a feeling that he might want to cover up his face with his high altitude mask. He had a strong feeling that watchers that were admins were probably not welcome. So he grabbed his mask out of his inventory and put it on covering most of his face a few scars and most importantly his Watcher and admin tattoos.

Once he did that he looked back around more closely. Then he spotted something in the tree line. A group of kids basically came out of the woods, apparently not noticing him because of their conversations.

'Welp' he thought better scram in case they don't take kindly to strangers. And quickly flew off north.

-Tommy's POV-

He and Tuboo were chatting as we made our way to spawn area. When I hear some CFC hing coming from the clearing up ahead. IT WAS A PAROT HYBRID!!! I shushed Tuboo not wanting to startle the parot hybrid. I quietly said to Tuboo to stay put while I investigated.

After waiting for a minute the parot, who looked like he was very confused shot into the air. 'Man he's  fast! I wonder if he's faster than Phill?' He thought as he quietly told Tuboo that they were going to casually walk into the clearing and act like they hadn't seen anyone.

As they walked out he glanced up and saw the parot now had a mask on 'Maybe for high altitude?' He thought confused. And just as he was thinking that the parot sped away north.

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now