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Chapter 12

-Tommy's POV-

"Techno, can we take a break?" I complained. "We've been walking for hours."
"Fine." He sighed setting down the Parot off his shoulders from the fireman carry he was using. "But only for a bit."
I smiled and sighed as I sat up against a tree.

Over on the ground near Techno the parot started twitching and mumbling in his sleep. "What's he saying?" I ask curious.
"Hmm I don't know." Techno said. "Something about Evolution?"

I scooted closer to see if I could make out some words. I caught a few like "Pearl... Martyn... Jimmy!" and "Watcher!"

"Watchers!!" I exclaimed startled. "What does he have to do with them!"
"I don't know." Techno said wondering aloud, "If we took his mask off we could probably understand more of what he's saying."

"Hmm." I said a little worried. "What if he needs that mask to breathe?"
"It'll be fine." Techno said, "Most hybrids if they don't breathe air can survive for a while without their breathable atmosphere."
"Ok..." I said hesitantly letting my curiosity win.

Techno knelt down near the Parot's head and undoing several buckles carefully took off the mask. The first thing I noticed was a small black A tattoo along his jawline.
"He's a admin!" Techno exclaimed before I could.
"Yeah way to state the obvious here Techno." I started saying but was interrupted with moans coming from the parot.

"No! No! No!" The Parot moaned his wings twitching. When I turned my attention to his wings the edges had turned a dark purple! Quickly checking his face for some sort of marki... THERE! A small scar in the shape of a star on his cheek.
"Techno!" I said as a warning.
"I see it!" Techno said alarmed pulling out a potion and pouring some of it into the Parot's mouth.

I sighed once the Parot had stopped twitching and mumbling. "Techno!!" I nearly yelled! "He's a Watcher!!"
"Yes!" He said exasperated, "I can see that! Thanks for pointing out the obvious!"

-Grian's POV-

I looked around the end portal at my friends. "You guys ready?" I asked excitedly.
A course of yes' came back.
"Everyone on 3!" I said getting ready to jump in the portal. "3... 2... 1!"
"Woohoo!" Someone yelled as we all jumped in!
I jumped in last making sure everyone got through.

This wasn't what I expected! Where is everyone else?! I worried as I headed to the end island.

The Dragon soared above me. Flapping its wings and storing up dust. I started shooting it with my bow and arrow.

Once I had blown up all the end crystals I started hacking at the dragon. Slowly killing it.
Finally! It died! As I looked around in relief.

I made my way towards the end portal. The way home! I climbed my way over the terrain thinking.

Then I felt it! Like someone was watching me! I shiver, my wings opening to make myself look bigger.

Then an entity appeared in front of me. A Watcher!
I immediately pull out my sword and stand in a defensive posture. "What do you want?" I call out.
"For you to fulfill your purpose,
̇/." It said.
"And what's that?" I asked confused.
"To watch." It said simply.

I open my eyes wide with terror. "WHAT!! No! Y-you can't!" I said my heart racing. "I-I'm a admin! You can't!"
"Your a special case ̇/." The Watcher said saying that name/word again. "You're going to destroy worlds for us!"
"I won't!" I yelled "I'll never work with you!"
"Hmm you won't now will you?" It said in a menacing tone. "What if we threaten your home? Or Friends?"

"No!" I shouted terrified for my friends. "I won't let you!" And changing my voice to a whisper I said, "I would do what you wanted before that happened."
"Good." It said holding its palm out and teleporting me away.

It all faded to black. I did't know where I was expect it was all black. I thought of my makeshift family of friends. "Pearl, Martyn,Jimmy! I promise I will find a way back to you. Killing as many Watchers as I can!" I promised.
A voice that came from everywhere and nowhere told me: "Don't make promises you can't keep"

Then I was gone...

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now