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Chapter 16

-Grian's POV-

I sighed. I am bored. So very bored.
To cure my boredom I decided to practice some little bits of magic.
More specifically mind reading.

Using a little magic I entered the person closest to me at the moment's mind.
Techno was apparently carrying me.

Techno had a weird mind. It would play a memory in the background if it was related to what he was thinking. And currently he was thinking about me.

He was thinking about how I had a similar scar to his brother aka also me. I watched the memory of what happened. It was weird, seeing myself from another person's view. And it was weird seeing something I couldn't remember myself.

From what Techno was seeing we were near his and Phil's house. I sighed mentally. I do that a lot don't I.

I guess it's time to wake up now...

-Techno's POV-

As we got near to the house I felt the avian on my shoulders twitch. He is waking up again!

I open the door to the house and walk in. Tommy fallows me and Phil looks up from what he's doing.
His face brightens when Tommy walks in behind me. Then he notices the Avian slung over my shoulders.

"What happened?" He asked confused.
"Umm" I say "Nothing???"
Phil sighed. "What did you do Techno?"
"I—" I tried to say before Tommy interrupted me.
"They were arguing and Techno chased the Parot and caught him and used a sleeping potion on him."
"Heh?! (For this insert an iconic Techno heh.) I would never do anything of the sorts!" I said glaring at him.

"Technoblade Minecraft! What have I said about knocking people out?!" Phil shouted.
"Not to" I said wincing at my full name.
Phil sighed. "What am I going to do with you?"
I was about to respond when the Avian woke up.

Note: Grian is kinda of semi conscious. His body is unconscious but he is in a void like place where he can use his powers to an extent to effect the world around him irl. (Or in the story (ya get it))

Also sorry for the short chapter I got distracted!

Edit: my motivation has died give me a few to get it started back up again.

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now