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Chapter 28

-Grian's POV-

"Ow. I forget how painful dying is." I groan as I try to sit up.
Techno walks over and helps me up.
I look around my old dorm room. It's a mess. Everything is singed or burnt. I'm fine with that. I hated this room. Everyone who was in the room before it went dark is dead too. I also hated them.
"Well that was fun." Techno says clapping his hands together. "Tommy is going to be mad so we can take our time on the way back."
Phil- no Dad chuckles. "You're right. Tommy is going to be mad."
"Enough worrying about Tommy." I say. "Can we please just get out of here. I hate this place."
"Yup no problem." Techno says leading the way out the door.

Dad and I stand up and follow him but before I exit the room I pause and make sure Every Single Watcher is dead.
They are.
I smile.
They're all dead.
I hope mother tortures them forever.

On that happy thought I run to catch up with Phil and Techno who are already down the hall.
"Do you guys even know the way?" I ask wondering if they do somehow know the way.
They both stop and look at me. "No"
I sighed and took the lead. "Come on."

I lead the way to the portal that should take us back to their world.
I bite my lip. "We better hurry before the portal closes. I might not be able to open one from this side."
"Got it." Techno says while grabbing both me and Phil and jumping into the portal. Lucky I was expecting this. Sadly Phil was distracted and was not.

We reappeared in the portal room me and Techno had used to get to Phil. There was a green person floating there.
It looked kinda like the green teletubby in the prison, Dream.
But this guy gave off a different aura.
"What do you want DreamXD?"Techno asked the person.
"You went to the end. To the Watcher end no less." The person who Techno called DreamXD yelled. "You know that's against the rules."
Ah he's one of the gods of this sever... anyways he still looked like a teletubby.
"Sue me." Techno said. "Or kill me I don't care. You know my saying. Technoblade Never Dies."
"Just don't do it again Techno." DreamXD said shaking his head before disappearing in a flash.

"Well that was fun." Phil said. "You got lucky today Techno."
"Eh don't care."
"Guys we should get back to getting back to Tommy." I say rolling my eyes.
"Alright." Techno sighs.




Did you know:
My Heroes and Villains AU book is off to a good start and the first chapter is fricken 1.2K works long...




I am first for Admin rankings...


I honestly do not deserve this...

I am not joking...

(Ok now for real)

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now