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Chapter 27

-Phil's POV-

Wait what?!
I'm confused even more now.
Is he mine? Or someone else's?

(Kristin is a goddess. She has only a few children in this universe and 3 out of 5 are Phil's. Phil knows that she has other children and it's fine. But for as long as she has known Phil (before she made him immortal) she has been faithful to him.)  

Kristin smiled warmly at the Parot.
Wait WHAT!!! (This is Phil in every other chapter: WAIT WHAT!)
"Grian?!" I said scrunching up my face in confusion. "My Grian!"
"Hi Dad..." the Parot nervously said.
"Where have you been?!"
"Um... Tokyo, then my own server, then I was kidnapped by the watchers Again. Then I escaped and went to a friend's server."

I ran over and hugged him.
"I am not letting you out of my sight." I said sternly.
Kristin laughed and joined in the hug. "I need to send you both back now otherwise Techno will get worried." Kristin said to us. "Also come visit you two. It gets incredibly boring here."

She stepped back and flicked her fingers. "Bye now. You better visit or I will make you."
"Bye Kristin. I love you too."
"Bye Mom."
And we disappeared

I groaned as I entered my body.
(That sounds weird but... go with it)
I sat up quickly.
The room I am in was... like a dorm room?
It was a very ugly purple...
But anyways.
There were dead Watchers all over the floor. There were burn marks all over the room as well.

"Well the peace and quiet didn't last long." Techno said when he saw that I am up.
"Yeah yeah." I reply glaring playfully at him. "How's Grian?"
"You know? Good. Now I don't have to explain it."
Grian groaned. "Ow. I forget how painful dying is."


I am really sorry I haven't posted in a few days I have been very sick and it sucks

But anyway

Fun fact about me:
(In the most serious voice)

I Put Lemon Juice on My French Fries...

I am not joking

I really like it...

My brother teases me about it

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now