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Chapter 2

-Grian's POV-

I flew for a while, maybe 3 or 4 hours, but it felt like forever because I was woried about my friends back on Hermitcraft. What would they think now? That he got himself into another mess it what they would think.

-Xuma's POV-

Was his internal voice screaming or was it his actual voice or both?

-Grian's POV-

I am sure they think I'm fine. Anyways I needed to focus on getting back. I slowly drifted down to the ground. Why did it have to be a snowy plains that he had to stay in. Guess it was his fault for heading north.

Sighing he started collecting wood the make a fire and a temporary base. Collecting the stuff required about a hours work of hard work because he was an avian after all and they needed to stay warmer then a normal human.

He set up a small camp. And hoping to the other high watchers that it wouldn't snow, he got into the pile of wool he collected and fell asleep.

-Tommy's POV-

"Phill there's another Avian on the server" I called as I spotted him.

"WHAT!?!?" He shouted in surprise, "Really?? Where are they??"

"I don't know," I replied quickly because Phill was always excited to see or talk to other avians. "But he was headed north towards Techno's."

Phill stretched his black wings out and before he lifted off he gave me an exited grin and said, "I better find em before Techno does, he doesn't like other people around his base.

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now