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Chapter 24

-Phil's POV-
(Same time as Grian was dreaming.)


The watcher smiled. Then it talked to someone. "Ah hello Xelqua. Come  to check in on your father?"
A ball of magic formed in the watchers hands and it tossed it at me.
Searing pain coursed through my body when it touched me.
I yelled and gritted my teeth.
Then I blacked out.

(Y'all know that Grian was dreaming/spying about this... Right?)

-Techno's POV-

Tommy is not going to be happy.
Grian teleported us to a strong hold. And we searched for the end portal.

(Time skip of 5 mins)

We had found every room but the portal room.
I turn a corner and there it was.
"Grian I found it!"
Grian ran over. "Good. Now I got to make it into a Watcher End portal."

Grian did some magic thingy and the portal turned purple from its regular black.
"Weird." I said
"Eh not the weirdest thing ever. Wait till you see what happens on Hermitcraft." He replied with a smile.
We both stepped into the portal.
Grian was looking nervous and I grabbed his hand as we were whisked away.

Yay another chapter today

You guys are spoiled

Also death will happen next chapter.

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now