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Chapter 11

-Techno's POV-

"Talk about what?" A voice called out from above.
"S ⍑╎ℸ ̣!" I yelled startled.
"Language!" The Parot said laughing.

I glare at him as his eyes glittering with laughter behind his mask.
Then Tommy interrupts my brooding. "You're the Avian!"
"Yes I appear to be an avian" he said jokingly.
"What he means is your the Avian that reminded our father of our dead brother." I interrupted impatiently.
"Weird." He said jokingly, "I seem to remind a lot of people of dead friends or relatives."
"That's... not good?" Tommy said hesitantly.
"Eh" the Parot said shrugging it off. "The worse thing about my first experience with that comment (reminding someone about a dead friend) is that I was forced to pretend to be said dead friend."
"You need therapy." I said sighing "So to Phil's house we go!"

-Grian's POV-

"Ohhh Angry Pig-man." I said teasing him, "So scary!"
Techno had climbed the side of the building to come and get me when I said no to therapy. Then the kid that was still at ground level shouted up, "Oh you probably shouldn't have done that!"
"Why?" I yell back jumping to the roof of another building. "Is he a god of some sort?"

"Actually I am." Techno said effortlessly jumping a gap I had to fly over, "I am the Blood God."
"Hmm, I wonder why." I said jumping into the air, "Is it cause of your lust for blood or cause you cause blood shed? Or Both?"

Techno sat there for a moment underneath me thinking. "Probably both." He answered.
I chuckled a bit, "To be honest I barely know you but I would 100% agree."
"Well you don't know me and I don't know you." Techno said with a glint in his eye. "We can change that!"
"What do you mean by that?" I asked suspicious that something was about to happen.

-Techno's POV-

I had — reasons for grabbing him...again.
1: He Needs Therapy!
2: I need him to talk to Phil.
3: I need to have a private chat with him.
4: I have a feeling he would be spotted and taken to Pandora's Vault. (Sam's prison)
5: I have another feeling and I am not sure what it is

I jumped and grabbed his ankle and considering he was over 25 feet higher than I was, I landed gracefully.

I couldn't see his entire face because of his helmet/mask, but he looked shocked. I grinned slightly. Him now upside down, again, shouted, "What the hell!?!"
"Being a god has its benefits." I said smirking.
"Hmmm" he huffed.

"What the hell Techno?!" Tommy yelled as I jumped off the roof back into the ally. "What did you do?!"
"What? I just caught him!" I yelled back, "And maybe I splashed a sleeping potion on him."

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now