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I do!!!

-Grain's POV-

I just found a wither skeleton skull in one of my chest monsters and was playing around with it. "To be or not to be?! That is the question!" I said out loud goofing off.

"Whatchya doing?" Scar pops in startling me.
"Nothing!" I said quickly hiding the skull behind my back.
"Hmmm" Scar said narrowing his eyes at me.
Suddenly Mumbo glides in on his elytra. Scaring me Again!

"What the heck guys!" I yell, "Is it bother Grian day?"
"Did someone say bother Grian day?!" Pearl pops in.
"What did I just hear?!" Impulse yells, "It's bother Grian day!?"

"Is Everyone Coming Over Here?!" I yell!
"Oh everyone is coming? I didn't know that!" X says landing nearby.
"Are we late?" Bdubs asks rushing over with Etho.
I groan slightly.

Eventually everyone has come and joined the group. All they did was bug me!

Suddenly a purple portal appeared. Philza stuck his head out. "Darn it! Were the last ones!"
"Dad!?!" I said my jaw dropping, "What are you doing here?!"
"I brought your brothers over!" He replied as Techno and Tommy came out of the portal.

WHAT IS HAPPENING!?! I thought. And thought. Then realized what day it was.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone yelled.
I smiled and laughed.

Note: this is/can be canon to this story!!!!
It just far in future

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now