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I am FINALLY home!!!


1) I get to see my Cats (I haven't seen them for nearly a month)

2) the water doesn't taste terrible (I am picky sue me)

3) three words: I hate snow

4) still sick but getting better

5) WTF already over 3k reads!!

6) I started writing my heroes and villains AU and the first chapter is over 1.2k words (you guys know I don't write like that!!) I love it so far too

7) I am working on making a proper schedule. It's probably going to be like every other day I post.

8) this is going to be finished in a few chapters (I think at the 30 mark) and then there will be the epilogue

9) all chapters are numbered with Roman numerals if it ain't got em it ain't a chapter


I'll update the story tomorrow

I'm to lazy to do it today

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now