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Note: *has another panic attack*

Chapter 9

-Techno's POV-

It was the middle of the night where was Phil? He said he would be back soon, 6 hours ago!
I grabbed my coat and trudged into the snow. A few minutes later I spotted him laying in the snow running I reached him.
He's so cold, he won't survive much longer if I don't hurry. Picking Phil up I run as fast as I can for the house.

-Phil's POV-

I woke up suddenly from the nightmare. I was drenched in cold sweat. Techno was sitting there with a worried expression.
"What happened?" I asked
"Honestly I don't know." Techno sighed, "You left for your nightly flight almost 8 hours ago. I found you about 2 hours ago"
"What!?!" I squawked.
"And you were saying his name." Techno said sorrowfully.
"Oh." I started crying.
Techno sat next to me and we sat there in silence except for the drips of my tears.

"It's not your fault you know." Techno said softly. "It was the damm Watchers and Admins!"
"I know," I whispered, "but I will never stop blaming myself."
"I know, I know."

-Techno's POV-

Phil had fallen back asleep after a while so it was good he was getting some rest. I decided to go visit Tommy.

Tommy was in L'Manburg as usual and the trip took forever but he needed to talk to Tommy. He got out his boat and started rowing.

When he reached L'Manburg it was well into morning. Time to hide I thought and drank an invisibility potion. I found Tommy hanging out with his annoying friends Ranboo and Tuboo. I lightly taped Tommy on the shoulder in a certain pattern to tell him we needed to talk. He nodded slightly.

"Hey Guys I'll be back in a minute I need to check on something." Tommy said to Ranboo and Tuboo
"Ok" and "Hmm" were their replies.

"What is it Techno?" Tommy said in a worried voice, "Your never here this early in the day."
"It's about Phil" I said as the effect of the potion wore off. "I think he fainted during his nightly flight and had the Nightmare about Grian, again."

"How is he?" A now very concerned Tommy asked
"He's better," I said, "but the nightmares started after you told him about that avian and after I found said avian and after Phil met said avian."
"You think that Avian who ever he is caused this to happen?"
"I don't know. I think meeting another Avian reminded Phil of Grian."

-Grian's POV-

My internal clock said it was around 2 am. Perfect time to sneak away or in this case use my watcher powers and teleport away.

Quietly my wings turned purple and grew longer and more ragged. My watcher binding appeared in my hand and I sighed putting it around my neck.

I sighed again and quietly whipped the surveillant feed and teleported away.


Note: Watcher bindings are what a watcher's soul is bound to when they turn into a watcher (they disappear when they turn into players) and whoever is in possession of it can control said watcher!

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now