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Chapter 14

-Grian's POV-

I floated in a void. I have been here for what seems like forever. Then a Listener pops into the void.

"Hey Martyn." I say wistfully stuck in my thoughts.
"Hey Grian." He said concerned and continuing he asked, "Grian? Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Why??" I ask still lost in memories.
"You're not on Hermitcraft..." he said hesitantly "and you're not on Empires."
"Yup" I reply "and I can't get back, I'm stuck here."
"Ah, that would explain it... but then why are you with a pig hybrid and a teenager?"

"Let me guess? I am unconscious and the pig hybrid and teenager are arguing about what to do. We are in the middle of nowhere and you pop in needing me for something. One or both of them shout something and you realize what is happening so you teleport somewhere safe. Then you come and check on me in my dream realm."

"Wh-what? That's pretty much how it went? How did you know?"
"First of all this isn't the first time I was basically kidnapped by the pig guy and second they said they were brothers and third you popped out of nowhere." I said explaining how I got my conclusion.

Martyn hummed in confusion. Then he moved on and said, "anyways the reason I'm here is that I am stuck in my Listener form for a bit and wanted to ask for some help getting back to normal."

"Oh ok! Give me a sec!" I say concentrating for a moment while holding my palm facing his direction. I look up once I am done and Martyn is looking normal in his green shirt and jeans.
"Well..." he said "that was all I really came for. Is there anything you might need??"
"Eh not really." I answer "but could you tell Mumbo or Scar that I'm fine and just on a different universe."
"Yeah no problem! It's the least I could do!" Martyn says before he teleports away out of my dreams.

I sigh...
I am alone again.

Long Lost- a tale about Grian- a Dsmp x Hermitcraft story (A Sbi story as well)Where stories live. Discover now